Past Council Meetings

17 September 2024

Tuesday, September 17, 2024 - 06:00 PM



Council Briefing Notes


1        Declaration of Opening / Acknowledgement of Country

2        Apologies / Members on Leave of Absence

3(A)   Public Question Time and Receiving of Public Statements 

3(B)  Response to Previous Public Questions Taken on Notice

4        Applications for Leave of Absence

5        The Receiving of Petitions, Deputations and Presentations

6        Confirmation of Minutes

7        Announcements by the Presiding Member (Without Discussion)

8        Declarations of Interest 

9        Strategy and Development

9.1     Nos. 367 and 369 (Lot: 273 & 274; D/P: 1237) Fitzgerald Street, North Perth - Proposed Commercial Development (Unlisted Use - Viewing Tower and Associated Fencing) (Unauthorised Existing Development)

9.2      No. 9 (Lot: 22, D/P: 6645) Baker Avenue, Perth - Change of Use from Single House to Single House and Unlisted Use (Music Studio) (Amendment to Approved)

9.3     Advertising of Draft Auckland Street Character Area Guidelines

9.4     Outcome of Advertising and Adoption of Local Planning Policy: Development Guidelines for Heritage Places

10      Infrastructure & Environment

10.1   Outcome of Advertising and Adoption of Stormwater Drainage Connections Policy 

10.2   RFT IE318/2024 Pruning of Street Trees under Powerlines

10.3   RFT IE346/2024 Sullivan Logistics Oval Sports Floodlighting Upgrade

10.4   RFT IE345/2024 Sullivan Logistics Oval Playing Surface Redevelopment

11      Community and Business Services

11.1     Financial Statements as at 31 July 2024

11.2    Authorisation of Expenditure for the Period 01 July 2024 to 31 July 2024

11.3   Investment Report as at 31 July 2024

12      Chief Executive Officer

12.1    Consideration of Authorisations Associated with Land Management

12.2    Information Bulletin

13      Motions of Which Previous Notice Has Been Given

13.1   Notice of Motion - Mayor Alison Xamon - Rodenticide Use

14      Questions by Members of Which Due Notice Has Been Given (Without Discussion)

15      Representation on Committees and Public Bodies 

16     Urgent Business

17     Confidential Items/Matters For Which The Meeting May Be Closed

18     Closure

View Meeting Details

10 September 2024

Tuesday, September 10, 2024 - 06:00 PM



1       Declaration of Opening / Acknowledgement of Country 

2       Apologies / Members on Leave of Absence

3       Public Question Time and Receiving of Public Statements 

4       Declarations of Interest 

5       Strategy and Development

5.1    Nos. 367 and 369 (Lot: 273 & 274; D/P: 1237) Fitzgerald Street, North Perth - Proposed Commercial Development (Unlisted Use - Viewing Tower and Associated Fencing) (Unauthorised Existing Development)

5.2   No. 9 (Lot: 22, D/P: 6645) Baker Avenue, Perth - Change of Use from Single House to Single House and Unlisted Use (Music Studio) (Amendment to Approved)

5.3   Advertising of Draft Auckland Street Character Area Guidelines

5.4   Outcome of Advertising and Adoption of Local Planning Policy: Development Guidelines for Heritage Places

6       Infrastructure & Environment

6.1   Outcome of Advertising and Adoption of Stormwater Drainage Connections Policy

6.2    RFT IE318/2024 Pruning of Street Trees under Powerlines

6.3   RFT IE346/2024 Sullivan Logistics Oval Sports Floodlighting Upgrade

6.4   RFT IE345/2024 Sullivan Logistics Oval Playing Surface Redevelopment

7       Community and Business Services

7.1   Financial Statements as at 31 July 2024

7.2   Authorisation of Expenditure for the Period 01 July 2024 to 31 July 2024

7.3   Investment Report as at 31 July 2024

8       Chief Executive Officer

8.1   Consideration of Authorisations Associated with Land Management

8.2   Information Bulletin

9       Motions of Which Previous Notice has Been Given

10     Representation on Committees and Public Bodies

11     Confidential Items/Matters for which the Meeting May be Closed ("Behind Closed Doors")

12     Closure  

View Meeting Details

20 August 2024

Tuesday, August 20, 2024 - 10:13 AM



Technical Note referred to in the public statement at Item 3.6 in the minutes.


Council Briefing Notes

1        Declaration of Opening / Acknowledgement of Country

2        Apologies / Members on Leave of Absence

3(A)   Public Question Time and Receiving of Public Statements 

3(B)  Response to Previous Public Questions Taken on Notice

4        Applications for Leave of Absence

5        The Receiving of Petitions, Deputations and Presentations

6        Confirmation of Minutes

7        Announcements by the Presiding Member (Without Discussion)

8        Declarations of Interest 

9        Strategy and Development

9.1        Nos. 293 and 295 (Lots: 8 and 4; D/P: 1221 and 5184) Oxford Street, Leederville - Proposed Grouped Dwellings (6)

9.2        Nos. 41-43 (Lots: 18 and 701; DP: 302447 and P: 1874) Angove Street, North Perth - Alterations and Additions to Service Station

9.3        Proposed Charles Hotel Local Development Plan

9.4        Annual Review 2023/24 - Accessible City Strategy, Thriving Places Strategy and Arts Plan

9.5        Annual Review 2023/24 - Place Plans

9.6        New Lease to Kidz Galore Pty Ltd - No. 15 Haynes Street, North Perth

10         Infrastructure & Environment

10.1      Local Emergency Management Plan Update

10.2      Advertising of Amended Policy Library and Local History Collection Policy

11         Community and Business Services

11.1      Preliminary Financial Statements as at 30 June 2024

11.2      Authorisation of Expenditure for the Period 01 June 2024 to 30 June 2024

11.3      Investment Report as at 30 June 2024

12         Chief Executive Officer

12.1      Outcome of Advertising and Adoption of Council Members Continuing Professional Development Policy

12.2      Information Bulletin

13      Motions of Which Previous Notice Has Been Given

14      Questions by Members of Which Due Notice Has Been Given (Without Discussion)

15      Representation on Committees and Public Bodies 

16     Urgent Business

17     Confidential Items/Matters For Which The Meeting May Be Closed

17.1  Annual CEO Performance Review 2023-2024 and Key Performance Indicators 2024-2025 - LATE

18     Closure

View Meeting Details

13 August 2024

Tuesday, August 13, 2024 - 06:00 PM



1       Declaration of Opening / Acknowledgement of Country 

2       Apologies / Members on Leave of Absence

3       Public Question Time and Receiving of Public Statements 

4       Declarations of Interest 

5       Strategy and Development

5.1    Nos. 293 and 295 (Lots 8 and 4; D/P 1221 and 5184) Oxford Street, Leederville - Proposed Grouped Dwellings (6)

5.2    Nos. 41-43 (Lots: 18 and 701; DP: 302447 and P: 1874) Angove Street, North Perth - Alterations and Additions to Service Station

5.3    Proposed Charles Hotel Local Development Plan

5.4    Annual Review 2023/24 - Accessible City Strategy, Thriving Places Strategy and Arts Plan

5.5    Annual Review 2023/24 - Place Plans

5.6    New Lease to Kidz Galore Pty Ltd - No. 15 Haynes Street, North Perth

6       Infrastructure & Environment

6.1   Local Emergency Management Plan Update

6.2   Advertising of new/amended policy - Library and Local History Collection Policy

7       Community and Business Services

7.1   Preliminary Financial Statements as at 30 June 2024

7.2   Authorisation of Expenditure for the Period 01 June 2024 to 30 June 2024

7.3   Investment Report as at 30 June 2024

8       Chief Executive Officer

8.1    Outcome of Advertising and Adoption of Council Members Continuing Professional Development Policy

8.2    Information Bulletin

9       Motions of Which Previous Notice has Been Given

10     Representation on Committees and Public Bodies

11     Confidential Items/Matters for which the Meeting May be Closed ("Behind Closed Doors")

12     Closure  

View Meeting Details

23 July 2024

Friday, July 26, 2024 - 11:26 AM



Council Briefing Notes


1        Declaration of Opening / Acknowledgement of Country

2        Apologies / Members on Leave of Absence

3(A)   Public Question Time and Receiving of Public Statements 

3(B)  Response to Previous Public Questions Taken on Notice

4        Applications for Leave of Absence

5        The Receiving of Petitions, Deputations and Presentations

6        Confirmation of Minutes

7        Announcements by the Presiding Member (Without Discussion)

8        Declarations of Interest 

9        Strategy and Development

9.1    No. 235 (Lot: 4; D/P: 1189) Brisbane Street, Perth - Change of Use From Family Day Care to Child Care Premises

9.2    No. 3 (Lot: 0; D/P 10569) Lawley Street, West Perth - Soccer Net Addition to Recreation Facility (Dorrien Gardens) (Unauthorised Existing Development)

10       Infrastructure & Environment

10.1    Verge Valet Service Review

11       Community and Business Services

11.1    Financial Statements as at 31 May 2024

11.2    Authorisation of Expenditure for the Period 01 May 2024 to 31 May 2024

11.3    Investment Report as at 31 May 2024

12      Chief Executive Officer

12.1    Report and Minutes of the Audit Committee Meeting held on 27 June 2024

12.2    Information Bulletin

13      Motions of Which Previous Notice Has Been Given

14      Questions by Members of Which Due Notice Has Been Given (Without Discussion)

15      Representation on Committees and Public Bodies 

16     Urgent Business

17     Confidential Items/Matters For Which The Meeting May Be Closed

18     Closure

View Meeting Details

16 July 2024

Wednesday, July 10, 2024 - 12:02 PM



1       Declaration of Opening / Acknowledgement of Country 

2       Apologies / Members on Leave of Absence

3       Public Question Time and Receiving of Public Statements 

4       Declarations of Interest 

5       Strategy and Development

5.1    No. 235 (Lot: 4; D/P: 1189) Brisbane Street, Perth - Change of Use From Family Day Care to Child Care Premises

5.2    No. 3 (Lot: 0; D/P 10569) Lawley Street, West Perth - Soccer Net Addition to Recreation Facility (Dorrien Gardens) (Unauthorised Existing Development)

6       Infrastructure & Environment

6.1    Verge Valet Service Review

7       Community and Business Services

7.1    Financial Statements as at 31 May 2024

7.2    Authorisation of Expenditure for the Period 01 May 2024 to 31 May 2024

7.3    Investment Report as at 31 May 2024

8       Chief Executive Officer

8.1    Report and Minutes of the Audit Committee Meeting held on 27 June 2024

8.2    Information Bulletin

9       Motions of Which Previous Notice has Been Given

10     Representation on Committees and Public Bodies

11     Confidential Items/Matters for which the Meeting May be Closed ("Behind Closed Doors")

12     Closure  

View Meeting Details

18 June 2024

Tuesday, June 18, 2024 - 06:00 PM

Council Briefing Notes




1        Declaration of Opening / Acknowledgement of Country

2        Apologies / Members on Leave of Absence

3(A)   Public Question Time and Receiving of Public Statements 

3(B)  Response to Previous Public Questions Taken on Notice

4        Applications for Leave of Absence

5        The Receiving of Petitions, Deputations and Presentations

6        Confirmation of Minutes

7        Announcements by the Presiding Member (Without Discussion)

8        Declarations of Interest 

9        Strategy and Development

9.1    Outcome of Advertising - Review of Heritage Management Policies

9.2    Outcome of Advertising and Adoption of New Healthy Food and Drink Policy

9.3    Outcome of Advertising and Adoption of Property Investment and Disposal Policy

10       Infrastructure & Environment

10.1    Outcome of Advertising and Adoption of Street Tree Policy

10.2    Advertising of Amended Policy - Stormwater Drainage Connections

11       Community and Business Services

11.1    Financial Statements as at 30 April 2024

11.2    Authorisation of Expenditure for the Period 01 April 2024 to 30 April 2024

11.3    Investment Report as at 30 April 2024

11.4    Adoption of the Annual Budget 2024/25 

12      Chief Executive Officer

12.1    Regulation 5 Review, Report and Recommendations

12.2    Adoption of Corporate Business Plan 2024/25 - 2027/28 and Four Year Capital Works Program 2024/25 - 2027/28

12.3   Information Bulletin

12.3   Information Bulletin - Attachment 2 - Public Open Space Strategy Key Action Implementation Update 2024 - high resolution version

13      Motions of Which Previous Notice Has Been Given

14      Questions by Members of Which Due Notice Has Been Given (Without Discussion)

15      Representation on Committees and Public Bodies 

16     Urgent Business

17     Confidential Items/Matters For Which The Meeting May Be Closed

18     Closure

View Meeting Details

11 June 2024

Tuesday, June 11, 2024 - 06:00 PM



1       Declaration of Opening / Acknowledgement of Country 

2       Apologies / Members on Leave of Absence

3       Public Question Time and Receiving of Public Statements 

4       Declarations of Interest 

5       Strategy and Development

5.1    Outcome of Advertising - Review of Heritage Management Policies

5.2    Outcome of Advertising and Adoption of New Healthy Food and Drink Policy

5.3    Outcome of Advertising and Adoption of Property Investment and Disposal Policy

6       Infrastructure & Environment

6.1    Outcome of Advertising and Adoption of Street Tree Policy

6.2    Advertising of Amended Policy - Stormwater Drainage Connections

7       Community and Business Services

7.1    Financial Statements as at 30 April 2024

7.2    Authorisation of Expenditure for the Period 01 April 2024 to 30 April 2024

7.3    Investment Report as at 30 April 2024

7.4    Adoption of the Annual Budget 2024/25 

8       Chief Executive Officer

8.1    Regulation 5 review, report and recommendations

8.2    Adoption of Corporate Business Plan 2024/25 - 2027/28 and Four Year Capital Works Program 2024/25 - 2027/28

8.3   Information Bulletin

9       Motions of Which Previous Notice has Been Given

10     Representation on Committees and Public Bodies

11     Confidential Items/Matters for which the Meeting May be Closed ("Behind Closed Doors")

12     Closure  

View Meeting Details

21 May 2024

Tuesday, May 21, 2024 - 06:00 PM



Council Briefing Notes


1        Declaration of Opening / Acknowledgement of Country

2        Apologies / Members on Leave of Absence

3(A)   Public Question Time and Receiving of Public Statements 

3(B)  Response to Previous Public Questions Taken on Notice

4        Applications for Leave of Absence

5        The Receiving of Petitions, Deputations and Presentations

6        Confirmation of Minutes

7        Announcements by the Presiding Member (Without Discussion)

8        Declarations of Interest 

9        Strategy and Development

9.1     Nos. 148-158 (Lot: 600; D/P: 47025) Scarborough Beach Road, Mount Hawthorn - Proposed Alfresco Structure to Restaurant/Cafe (Amendment to Approved)

9.2     No. 56 (Lot 3; S/P 7987) Lindsay Street, Perth - Proposed Alterations and Additions to Grouped Dwelling (Ancillary Dwelling)

9.3     Advertising of Proposed Revocation - Policy No. 7.5.19 - Amalgamation Condition on Planning Approvals

9.4     Amendments to Sustainability and Transport Advisory Group - Terms of Reference

10       Infrastructure & Environment

10.1    Closure of Birrell Street

10.2    Beaufort Street Precinct Area Road Safety Treatments

10.3    RFT IE297/2023 HVAC Maintenance Services

10.4    Outcome of Advertising and Adoption of Street Tree Policy

11       Community and Business Services

11.1    Financial Statements as at 31 March 2024

11.2    Authorisation of Expenditure for the Period 01 March 2024 to 31 March  2024

11.3    Investment Report as at 31 March 2024

11.4    Differential Rating Strategy 2024/25

11.5    Adoption of the Long Term Financial Plan 2024/25 - 2033/34

11.6    Event Sponsorship 2024/25

12      Chief Executive Officer

12.1   Review of Policy No. 4.1.18 – Naming of City Facilities, Streets, Parks, Reserves and Buildings

12.2    Advertising of Amended Policy - Council Members Continuing Professional Development

12.3    Annual Review of Delegations

12.4    Information Bulletin

13      Motions of Which Previous Notice Has Been Given

14      Questions by Members of Which Due Notice Has Been Given (Without Discussion)

15      Representation on Committees and Public Bodies 

16     Urgent Business

17     Confidential Items/Matters For Which The Meeting May Be Closed

18     Closure

View Meeting Details

14 May 2024

Tuesday, May 14, 2024 - 06:00 PM



1       Declaration of Opening / Acknowledgement of Country 

2       Apologies / Members on Leave of Absence

3       Public Question Time and Receiving of Public Statements 

4       Declarations of Interest 

5       Strategy and Development

5.1    Nos. 148-158 (Lot: 600; D/P: 47025) Scarborough Beach Road, Mount Hawthorn - Proposed Alfresco Structure to Restaurant/Cafe (Amendment to Approved)

5.2    No. 56 (Lot 3; S/P 7987) Lindsay Street, Perth - Proposed Alterations and Additions to Grouped Dwelling (Ancillary Dwelling)

5.3    Advertising of Proposed Revocation - Policy No. 7.5.19 - Amalgamation Condition on Planning Approvals

5.4    Amendments to Sustainability and Transport Advisory Group - Terms of Reference

6       Infrastructure & Environment

6.1    Closure of Birrell Street

6.2    Beaufort Street Precinct Area Road Safety Treatments

6.3    RFT IE297/2023 HVAC Maintenance Services

6.4    Outcome of Advertising and Adoption of Street Tree Policy

7       Community and Business Services

7.1    Financial Statements as at 31 March 2024

7.2    Authorisation of Expenditure for the Period 01 March 2024 to 31 March  2024

7.3    Investment Report as at 31 March 2024

7.4    Differential Rating Strategy 2024/25

7.5    Adoption of the Long Term Financial Plan 2023/24  - 2032/33

7.6    Event Sponsorship 2024/25

8       Chief Executive Officer

8.1    Review of Policy No. 4.1.18 – Naming of City Facilities, Streets, Parks, Reserves and Buildings

8.2    Advertising of Amended Policy - Council Members Continuing Professional Development - ABSOLUTE MAJORITY DECISION REQUIRED

8.3    Annual Review of DelegationsABSOLUTE MAJORITY DECISION REQUIRED

8.4    Information Bulletin

9       Motions of Which Previous Notice has Been Given

10     Representation on Committees and Public Bodies

11     Confidential Items/Matters for which the Meeting May be Closed ("Behind Closed Doors")

12     Closure  

View Meeting Details

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