Design review panel

Design review is a tried and tested process that improves design outcomes in the built environment. It supports the development of better buildings and urban spaces through critical and impartial expert review, assisting projects to realise their full potential. 

Vincent Design Review Panel

The Vincent Design Review Panel is an expert group who provide independent design advice on city-shaping projects.

The panel includes experienced architects, landscape architects and urban designers along with experts in heritage, sustainability and environmental design.

The panel reviews the design quality of development proposals before they are lodged for assessment. The panel’s role is not to redesign proposals but to identify and discuss opportunities to encourage excellent design with the proponent. This process ensures a right of reply from all parties and that the advice is practical and can be implemented.

The benefits of design review include:

  • supporting excellent design outcomes
  • enabling access to independent and expert design advice early in the planning and design process
  • supporting consistent and informed planning decisions
  • facilitating positive collaboration between expert designers and developers.

This design review process involves critiquing designs, assessing proposals against design guidelines and policies and often times workshopping improved outcomes with applicants, including identifying unique site opportunities with the potential to positively impact how people enjoy our city.

What type of applications will be referred to the Design Review Panel?

Development Applications are referred to the Panel for their consideration and comment in accordance with the below terms of reference. 


These include but are not limited to:

  • Proposals that are considered significant because of their size or uses they support
  • Proposals that are considered significant because of their site
  • Proposals that are considered significant because of their community impact
  • Proposals which would benefit from the design review process
  • Any scheme amendment, structure plan, policy, precinct plan, local development plan or design guideline which would benefit from design review by the Panel

If you are unsure if your proposal should be reviewed by the City's Design Review Panel, email us a copy of the development plans.

When should I refer my application to the Design Review Panel?

Design review should begin well before a development application is submitted.

To get the most out of the Design Review Panel, proposals should be referred as early in the design process as possible (i.e. during concept stage). The design is generally flexible at this stage and can incorporate change without impacting on time and cost constraints.

Proposals that are referred to the Panel after formal lodgement of the application may experience delays in the development application process due to requiring consideration of ‘good design’ at a later stage. The Panel may suggestion changes to the proposal which require substantial changes thereby delaying the process.

What information do I need to submit?

The following information should be provided as part of the submissions:

  • DRP application form
  • Electronic version of the Concept Plan / Development Plans
  • Artists impression and coloured elevations
  • Context / Streetscape Analysis which considers the site location and character and considers the desired future character of the area
  • Response to comments made by the Design Review Panel (if the proposal was considered at a previous meeting)

    Prior to submitting the above mentioned information, please contact us to schedule the proposal into the next available meeting.

    Required information is to be submitted two (2) weeks prior to the meeting to allow suitable time for the City’s officers to undertake an assessment, a report to be created and the information to be distributed to the Panel members prior to the meeting.

    Do I need to pay a fee?

    The fee for proposal to be reviewed by the Design Review Panel prior to formal lodgement of the application is $705.

    The fee allows the proposal to be reviewed by the panel at a maximum of two meetings during the pre-lodgement stage.

    Should I be present at the Design Review Panel meeting?

    It is strongly recommended that applicants prepare a PowerPoint presentation for the City’s Officer and Panel members.

    The presentation is recommended to make specific reference to the ten (10) Design Principles of ‘good design’. The design principles are:

    • Context
    • Scale
    • Built Form
    • Density
    • Sustainability
    • Landscape
    • Amenity
    • Safety and Security
    • Social Dimensions and housing Affordability
    • Aesthetics

    The presentation should be no longer than 10 minutes. Where a proposal has previously been considered by the Design Review Panel, the presentation should also specify how the previous comments have been addressed.

    Applicants guide to presenting at the Design Review Panel

    Will I receive a copy of the meeting minutes?

    A copy of the minutes from the meeting will be provided to the applicant within two (2) weeks of the meeting date.

    The minutes will be captured against the applicable design principles and an overall rating against a traffic light system will be provided to measure the acceptability of the development.

    Vincent Design Review Panel Members

    • James Christou (Chairperson) - Architecture 
    • Simon Venturi (Chairperson) - Architecture 
    • Dominic Snellgrove (Deputy Chairperson) - Architecture
    • Joe Chindarsi - Architecture & Sustainable Design
    • Sam Klopper - Architecture & Sustainable Design
    • Munira Mackay - Urban Design
    • Anthony Duckworth - Urban Design
    • Brett Wood-Gush - Urban Design 
    • Damien Pericles - Landscape Architecture 
    • Caine Holdsworth - Landscape Architecture 
    • Marc Beattie - Heritage 
    • Kyra Lomas - Heritage 
    • Oliver Grimaldi - Sustainability 
    • Rhianna Waugh - Sustainability 

    What are the meeting dates?

    Design Review Panel Meeting Schedule 2024


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