
The heritage of Vincent is unique, vibrant, complex and rich in history, stories, people and places.

The City of Vincent maintains a Municipal Heritage Inventory (Heritage List). Our team can provide advice for property owners on local history projects and project managing conservation works.

State Register of Heritage Places

The City of Vincent has over 20 places registered on the State Register of Heritage Places. Not only are these places important to the City’s heritage but their significance has also been recognised at the state level. The State Register is compiled and managed by the Heritage Council of Western Australia.

Central Perth Heritage Inventory 

The Central Perth Heritage Inventory was prepared by the Metropolitan Redevelopment Authority (known now as DevelopmentWA) as part of the Central Perth Redevelopment Area. The portions of the Central Perth Redevelopment Area within the City of have been transferred back to planning jurisdiction.

As part of this process, the City adopted the Central Perth Heritage Inventory. The Central Perth Heritage Inventory includes four categories of significance, ranging from places of state significance to historical sites. Properties listed under the Central Perth Inventory have the same protection as those listed in the City’s Municipal Heritage Inventory.

Vincent Heritage List

The City of Vincent Heritage List (which also serves as its Municipal Heritage Inventory) exists pursuant to the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015 and provides statutory protection for heritage places. Under State law every local government authority is required to complete and keep under review a Municipal Heritage Inventory (MHI). The MHI is a document that records places in our City that have cultural heritage value and explains why these places are special.

When a place is entered onto the MHI, a heritage assessment is undertaken to identify if the place has heritage significance. Factors to be considered include:

  • the place may have historical significance;
  • the place may have been associated with an important individual or group of people;
  • the place may be architecturally or aesthetically significant;
  • the place may be a rare, fine or an intact example of its type;
  • the place may demonstrate an important technical achievement, or
  • the place may be highly valued by a community for social or spiritual reasons; and
  • how the place fits into the thematic framework

Council makes the final decision about whether a place is formally included in the MHI.

Municipal Heritage Inventory

To understand the cultural heritage significance of the heritage listed properties, please visit Heritage Council’s InHerit website.


Why are listed places important?

The places listed in the Municipal Heritage Inventory help to define our community. They are the tangible reminders of our past that provide a window into who we are as a community, and where we have come from. They are important places that future generations will use to understand us and our forebears.

What are the benefits of having my place on the Municipal Heritage Inventory?

By owning and maintaining a heritage place, you are actively contributing to the City of Vincent’s rich cultural environment. These places help to create the character that the City is well known for and which make the area a sought-after and desirable place to live.

How does inclusion in the Municipal Heritage Inventory affect my place?

Inclusion of a place in the Municipal Heritage Inventory does not prohibit development. It is a common belief that if a place is included in the MHI then that place cannot be altered in any way. This is not the case. The City of Vincent recognises that the best way to protect heritage places is to have them occupied and in use. This means that development of listed places to accommodate contemporary requirements and uses will be encouraged.

The inclusion of a place on the MHI does have implications for owners. Listed places are protected under the City of Vincent’s Local Planning Scheme No.2 and related policies. Once again, it is important to realise that the identification of heritage places is not about preventing change. Rather, it is about identifying and understanding what is important, and why, so that change can be managed appropriately.

Aboriginal sites

The area which now falls within the local government boundaries of the City of Vincent forms part of what was known at the time of European settlement to local Aboriginal people as Mooro, the tribal territory of Yellagonga and his band. Yellagonga’s tribe was one of several groups based around the Swan River that were collectively known as Wadjuk and which were in turn part of a greater group of tribes that formed the south-west socio-linguistic block known today as Nyungar or Bibbulman.

The area on which the City of Vincent sits incorporates twelve former wetlands and a stretch of Swan River frontage. These wetlands are known archaeologically, historically and ethnographically to have been of great importance to Aboriginal people in pre-European times, and continue to be of importance today.

The Noongar people are recorded as using many of the lake resources including frogs, root tubers, freshwater turtles, fish, gilgies and waterfowl up until the 1940s. It appears that the main use of the wetlands in the City of Vincent area occurred during late spring, summer and early autumn and, due to the abundance of turtles, frogs and waterbirds at this time, large gatherings of up to 300 Nyungar people occurred around the wetlands.

These larger gatherings are recorded at Hyde Park in the 1850s or 1860s, at Lake Henderson in 1850, and at Lake Monger in 1833 and 1835, however the wetlands were also periodically used during the warmer months to carry out ceremonial activities as well as to undertake trade and gift exchanges and marriage proposals. The wetlands within the City of Vincent continue to hold special significance to the Aboriginal community. There are 15 registered Indigenous Sites falling on or within the boundary of the City. The register of sites is identified and managed by the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage.

Developing a heritage place

The City of Vincent Municipal Heritage Inventory (Heritage List) is a register of places within the City of Vincent, considered by the City to be of cultural heritage significance and worthy of conservation.

The City’s MHI includes two management categories; A - Conservation Essential, and B Conservation Recommended.

Places listed under Category A have the highest level of local significance and may also be included in the State Register.

Prior to considering changes to a heritage listed place it is important that you understand its significance. 

Understanding Significance

The cultural significance of a place or area will be set out in a ‘Statement of Significance’ contained within the Place Record Form or the Heritage Assessment. Understanding why a place is significant will help inform design responses and highlight aspects of the place that need to be sensitively managed.

Place records and heritage assessments for individual heritage places and heritage areas can be searched for in the Heritage Database.

Development Guidelines for Heritage and Adjacent Properties contains guidelines which help protect heritage listed places. The Guidelines encourage the appropriate conservation and restoration of heritage listed places and ensure that new works respect the heritage significance of a place.

In this section, you will find a number of resources that you can consult and use in your efforts to conserve and develop your important heritage resource.

The City has a number of local planning policies which relate to heritage places. They promote and safeguard the cultural heritage of the City by:

  • identifying, conserving and enhancing those places which are of significance to Vincent’s cultural heritage;
  • encouraging development that is in harmony with the cultural heritage value of the area; and
  • promoting public awareness of cultural heritage generally,

Heritage Policies 

The City has a number of local planning policies which relate to heritage places. They promote and safeguard the cultural heritage of the City by:

  • identifying, conserving and enhancing those places which are of significance to Vincent’s cultural heritage;
  • encouraging development that is in harmony with the cultural heritage value of the area; and
  • promoting public awareness of cultural heritage generally,

Additional Resources

Municipal Heritage Inventory Nomination From

Municipal Heritage Inventory Amendment Form

Researching the History of Your Home

Flowchart: Relationship of State and Federal Heritage Systems

Housing Style Information

The City’s Heritage Services have prepared a series of Housing Style Information Brochures based on the common housing styles in the City. The brochures provide detail on the origins and distinct features of local housing types and can be downloaded below:

Weatherboard Dwellings

Late Colonial Georgian Dwellings

Federation Bungalows

Inter-war Californian Bungalows

Post-war Bungalows

Conservation Plans

North Perth Police Station

Beatty Park and Leisure Centre

Mackays Aerated Water Factory

Hyde Park Conservation Plan: Introduction and Documentary Evidence

Hyde Park Conservation Plan: Physical Evidence

Hyde Park Conservation Plan: Assessment of Significance and Conservation Policy

Lee Hop’s Cottage Conservation Plan

Lee Hop’s Market Garden Archaeological Investigations

Heritage Trades Directory

The City of Vincent has prepared a Heritage Trades Directory which aims to assist property owners in locating local experienced tradesmen for heritage conservation works.

Please note: the City does not endorse and/or recommend any of the consultants in this directory. The directory will be compiled by expressions of interest. It will provide a list of consultants who have experience in heritage conservation in the local area. The Directory will be updated periodically.

Heritage Restoration and Renovation

Duratec Australia

Renovators Delight

Amerex Renovations and Additions



Heritage Carpentry and Joinery

Castlegate photographs

Building Company

Campell-Howard Building Company

Hyland Management & Contractors Pty Ltd

Brackson Construction




Quoin Consulting

Heritage Architects and Advice

Heritage Tradesman Directory Hocking


Colonial Tuckpointing

Wrought Iron

Jalmer Wrought Iron

Stained Glass

Tradition Stained Glass Pty Ltd


Carter Roofing & Slating Pty Ltd


Murphy Painting & Decorating

Heritage Trades Directory Registration

The City is compiling a list of tradesmen who have experience working on heritage conservation and restoration projects.

The Directory aims to assist property owners in locating local experienced trades for heritage conservation works. The Directory will be published on the City’s website, heritage website and sent to the owners of the heritage-listed property.

If you are interested in being included on the Directory, please complete the form below.

For more information please contact the City’s Heritage Officer on 9273 6000 or email mail@vincent.wa.gov.au

Note: the City does not endorse and/or recommend any of the consultants in this directory. The directory will be compiled by expressions of interest. It will provide a list of consultants who have experience in heritage conservation in the local area. The Directory will be updated periodically.

Expression of Interest Form

Please either describe or upload some examples of your expertise in the areas provided below.

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