Bushfire and Fire Hazard Management
Fire can be devastating, we all need to play our part in managing and maintaining our properties to ensure the safety of ourselves and others.
If you see a bushfire, please phone 000 to report the situation to emergency services.
The City of Vincent has a responsibility to monitor and ensure compliance with the requirements of the Bush Fires Act 1954.
Property owners are annually required to reduce fire hazards prior to 31 October and maintain their property in that condition until 30 April the following year.
Compliance with bushfire hazard reduction strategies are legal requirements to reduce the likelihood and impact a bushfire may have on life, property and the environment.
Fire safety on your property
Prior to the bush fire season, the City of Vincent publishes a Fire Break Notice each year to help regulate and manage fire related matters. It is recommended that all property owners and residents read through the notice each year which can be found here.
Please note that all flammable material must be slashed to a height of no greater than 5cm (50mm), any slashed materials must be removed to prevent the possibility of fire spreading.

Burning off green waste or other materials prohibited
The City's Health Local Law does not permit the burning off of any type of materials within the Vincent at any time.
If you need to dispose of unwanted materials or green waste, call the Waste Services team on 9273 6000. The green waste collection calendar will inform you of scheduled collections in your area and can be found here.
More information
If you have received a Fire Notice or would like further information, please contact the Ranger Services team on 9273 6000 or [email protected]