The City of Vincent is moving ahead with its plans for the future of Litis Stadium and Britannia Reserve.

The stadium is the home ground of the Floreat Athena Football Club and the Vincent City Ducks gridiron team, while the adjacent Britannia Reserve is also used by both clubs along with the Leederville Cricket Club, North Perth United Soccer Club and local schools.

Britannia Reserve North West Development Plan

In November 2021, Council endorsed the plan which included key upgrade priorities.

The priorities included building a multi-sports changeroom facility on the grandstand footprint and upgrading Floreat Athena's clubrooms.

Demolition of the Litis Grandstand and the adjacent ablution building was the first stage of works for the Britannia North West Development Plan.

The former grandstand, which was nearly 60-years-old, was structurally unsound and no longer safe for public use.

Litis Stadium Upgrade

A new multi-sports changeroom facility will be built on the grandstand footprint.

In late April 2023, Vincent secured $3 million in funding for the project from the Australian Government’s Community Development Grants Program.

The funding is subject to the project being fully delivered by 30 June 2026.

Historical elements of the grandstand will be salvaged and incorporated into the new changeroom facility, ensuring a strong connection to the important local history at the site will be maintained.

Once developed, the changerooms would support the diversification of sporting codes using Litis Stadium and the female football players coming through the ranks at Floreat Athena.

The project also includes the refurbishment of the clubroom currently leased by Floreat Athena.

Refurbishment works will include roof repairs, bathroom, kitchen and bar upgrades, new flooring, windows and painting, LED lights, audio-visual equipment, CCTV camera system and solar panels.

Litis Stadium Changeroom Design

Following endorsement of the Development Plan, a consultant was engaged to prepare the Litis Stadium Changeroom Concept Design and Perspectives and the estimated construction cost for submission to the Australian Government.

Vincent and Floreat Athena Football Club worked collaboratively to develop the concept design and to achieve the best outcome for the club and the community.

The aim was to come up with a design that met the needs of current and future users of the facility and can be supported by the Australian Government.

The project involves the construction of a 365sqm publicly accessible and gender-neutral changeroom that will meet Football West’s National Premier League venue requirements as well as universal design standards.

Refurbishment works included roof repairs, bathroom, kitchen and bar upgrades, new flooring, windows and painting, electrical upgrades, a security system, air-conditioning upgrade, solar panels and additional works.

In November 2023, Council awarded Schlager Group the tender to develop the changeroom on the former grandstand site.

Works commenced in January 2024 and are expected to be completed in early 2025.

During the works, there will be reduced parking availability in the Litis Stadium carpark. The lower Britannia Reserve carpark will be available as an alternative.

Litis Stadium Underpass

The City of Vincent removed the Litis Stadium underpass in August 2023 to create a better connection between the stadium and Britannia Reserve for local residents and sporting clubs.

The underpass was built for the 1962 Commonwealth Games as part of the former Lake Monger Velodrome.

The underpass, which was built below normal ground level, had come to the end of its life and was filled with water. It had been closed for seven years and was a health concern with the breeding of mosquitos and algae in the trapped water.

In September 2023, the space was filled in to ground level to make way for a new footpath, connecting the reserve. Surrounding existing soil was reshaped to open up the hill bank.

Following earthworks, the area was landscaped with around 17 WA native trees and eco-zoned with low-growing native plants and mulch.

Current Works

Construction works for the changerooms and refurbishments to the clubrooms are underway.

The works are ongoing and are expected to be completed in early 2025.

More information

For further information, you can contact Vincent’s Urban Design and Strategic Projects team on 9273 6000.

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