The City of Vincent is proud to recognise and support our LGBTIQA+ community.
LGBTIQA+ is an umbrella term that encompasses many groups, including those who are Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex, Queer and other sex, sexuality and gender diverse people. The City recognises that these groups represent a diverse range of people and that intersectionality also affects the experiences and needs of many individuals in these groups.
The City has a Community Development officer who works with LGBTIQA+ groups and individuals to support their work within Vincent and to deliver LGBTIQA+ events and projects for both our staff and the community. Pride Fair Day at Hyde Park is one of the key events we are proud to support in partnership with Pride WA.
Along with a commitment to provide direct and indirect support to our LGBTIQA+ community, the City operates using the overall vision for a vibrant 24 hour city whose ‘diverse population is supported in their innovative endeavours by a council that says YES!’ (City of Vincent Strategic Community Plan 2022-2032).
The City is a member of the Welcome Here Project. 'Welcome Here' stickers are displayed at our Library and Local History Centre, Beatty Park Leisure Centre and City of Vincent Administration buildings as a visual reminder that these are safe and inclusive spaces for the LGBTIQA+ community.
Support, Resources & More Information
Pride WA - Celebrating the talents and identities of our sexually and gender diverse community.
Living Proud - Providing support, information and resources to the Western Australian gay, lesbian, bisexual, trans and intersex community.
MindOUT - Mental health and suicide prevention initiatives to meet the needs of LGBTIQA+ populations.
Intersex Australia – The national body for people with intersex variations, providing information, advocacy and support.
Transfolk of WA - A peer support service for transgender and non-binary people and their loved ones in Western Australia.
First Peoples Rainbow Mob - A not for profit organisation for Indigenous LGBTIQA+ peoples.
Freedom Centre - A safe space for LGBTIQA+ youth and young adults via a peer-based drop in.
Rainbow Community House - Working towards eliminating suicide among LGBTIQA+ young people
GRAI - Advocacy and support for LGBTIQA+ elders and seniors rights.
Youth Pride Network - Young people providing advocacy and education for systemic change to help LGBTIQA+ young people be fully included, accepted and celebrated in WA.
Team Perth - Promoting Queer Sport and Recreation in WA.
Transforming Families - Supporting parents of gender diverse children. Find research, resources and support for your family.
LGBTIQA+ glossary of common terms - Learn more about common terms used in and by the community.
Contact Us
If you would like to provide feedback, get further information or make a suggestion, please contact the Community Development team on 9273 6000 or email [email protected]