The table below details the adopted differential rates for the 2024/25 financial year.
A statement outlining the City's objects and reasons for the differential rates and minimum payments is available below:
The rates paid on residential property are calculated based on the operating requirements of the Local Government. The rates you pay are a proportionate share of what is needed by the Local Government to provide local services and facilities. The Local Government applies a rate in the dollar that is multiplied by the valuation to obtain the rate amount for each property. That is, if your home has greater potential rental return than your neighbours, you will pay a higher share of the total rates budgeted by Council.
Council rates help fund essential services and infrastructure needs within our community. These include (but not limited to):
- Capital works encompassing new infrastructure and redevelopments.
- Road, street lighting, drainage maintenance etc
- Waste management services
- Parks, playgrounds and sporting facilities
- Safer Vincent and CCTV monitoring
- Child, youth and family care services
- Aged and disability services
- Economic and business activities
- Libraries, community centres
- Arts, culture, event hosting and festivals
Rates can increase if your property increases in potential rental value faster than others in your area. For example, if you make improvements to your home that increase its rental value then your share of rates will increase. It can also be simply that the previous valuation was incorrect or out of date and was now corrected. However, changes to property values that affect the whole market – such as times of boom and recession – do not directly affect rates as the comparative value between neighbouring properties remains the same.
Your rates can increase if the Local Government requires more funds to provide local services and facilities. For example, increases to wages and materials costs or if the City builds new facilities or adds new services. Local Governments budgets and consequently funds required through rates are also affected by changes to charges by other sectors of Government such as electricity and water pricing.
No. Your rates are not directly linked to movements in the property market – only the value of your property in comparison with your neighbours. If rates were directly linked to the property market, then rates would be far greater than currently. Using each Local Government’s budget as the starting point for setting the amount of rates required, protects ratepayers from increases that are not directly aligned with the provision of services.
As part of the yearly budget process, the City determines the rate in the dollar as follows:
Step 1: We determine the total funds needed to deliver services and infrastructure for the next financial year
Step 2: Divide that by the combined value of all rateable properties in Vincent.
This equals the rate in the dollar. We then apply the rate in the dollar to your property.
Your rates = Gross Rental Valuation (GRV) x rate in dollar
The Valuer General Office (VGO) values land in accordance with the provisions of the Valuation of Land Act 1978. The Gross Rental Valuation (GRV) is the yearly income the property would be expected to generate if rented. The rental value for a house is influenced by factors such as age, size, date of construction, car shelters and pools. By analysing property rents against these individual attributes and characteristics it is possible to assess a valuation for all properties, whether they are rented or not.
How often are valuations conducted and when was the last valuation done?
The values provided by the Valuer General are reviewed every three years to complete what is known as a General Valuation. Rating valuations are assessed at a ‘snapshot in time’ reflecting the property market for the metropolitan area on precisely the same date known of Date of Valuation, ensuring consistency and fairness in the allocation of rates.
The General Valuation is effective 01/07/2023.
To help you further understand GRV watch the video below.
The minimum rates have been determined by Council to ensure all ratepayers make a reasonable contribution to the cost of local government services and facilities.
Minimum rates are imposed when the amount calculated by the rates formula is less than the amount any property must pay to contribute to the cost of services provided by the City, regardless of the value (GRV) of their property.
In 2024/2025 the City of Vincent applies a minimum rate of $1,773.27 to Vacant-Commercial Land, $1,451.23 to residential, $1,331.75 to vacant-residential land and a minimum rate of $1,400.59 to Commercial/Industrial Land.
Vacant Commercial properties with a Gross Rental Valuation of less than or equal to $12,474 will be charged a minimum rate of $1,773.27. Commercial/ Industrial properties with a Gross Rental Valuation of less than or equal to $18,995 will be charged a minimum rate of $1,400.59.
Residential properties with a Gross Rental Valuation of less than or equal to $18,545 will be charged a minimum rate of $1,451.23. Vacant-Residential properties with a Gross Rental Valuation of less than or equal to $15,766 will be charged a minimum rate of $1,331.75.
Rate notices are sent out around July or August each year. The City will issue the 2024/2025 annual rate notices on 25 July 2024. Please check your email inbox, spam or junk folder if you signed up for eRates or BPay View, alternatively look out for the rate notice in your mail box. The due dates are stated on the annual notice.
The City of Vincent has historically low residential rates when compared to other metropolitan Councils in WA.
Last year, with the waste collection charge factored in, the City of Vincent had the:
- 10th lowest minimum rate in the metropolitan area; and
- 7th lowest combined rates/waste charge with a GRV of $20,800.
On 1 July 2003, the State Government introduced a property-based levy to fund the Department of Fire and Emergency (DFES)The Emergency Services levy is collected by local governments on behalf of the Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES). The levy provides fire and emergency services including fire stations, volunteer fire brigades, SES units and more. The amount is determined by the Minister of Emergency Services.
For more information, visit the DFES website or call 1300 136 099. Late payment interest will accrue daily at a rate of 11% per annum.
The standard waste services provided by the City are included in the rateable charge. Any additional waste services (additional bins) are individually listed in the details and levy of the rate notice. Please contact the City's waste team if you need more information.
State Government legislation requires the City to inspect the safety barriers of all private swimming pools and spas so that a period of not more than four years lapses between inspections. The fee charged yearly to the property owners is to cover this requirement.
Contact the Building Department on (08) 9273 6000 to discuss pool inspection related queries.
Some ratepayers may receive amended rate notices during the year called Interim Rates Notices. These notices are required to be issued if the Valuer General's Office considers that the Gross Rental Value (GRV) of a ratepayers' property has changed.
Any alteration to the property could cause the GRV of your property to be re-assessed by the Valuer General's Office. Typical events which could trigger a revaluation and the need to issue an Interim Rates Notice include:
- Creation of a new property
(If a lot is created from a subdivision, amalgamation or strata title)
- Improvements or additions to the property
(Installation of a swimming pool, construction of a garage or carport or the addition of a bedroom)
- Demolition of a property
(This is usually the first step in the redevelopment of a site and only the first in a series of interim rate adjustments)
- Removal of a swimming pool
- When a new or amended valuation is supplied by the Valuer General's Office, a reason for the amendment and effective date of the valuation is also provided. This information will be shown on your Interim Rates Notice.
- Where an objection to the Valuer General has been made, the full amount of rates is still due and payable 35 days from date of issue of the rate notice. Any decision resulting from the objection or subsequent Land Tribunal hearing will be retrospectively adjusted.
A supplementary valuation is an updated valuation that is generally determined for at least one of the following reasons:
- Any change to the physical characteristics of the property
- Any change to the use of the property
- The property becomes non-rateable due to section 6.26 of the LG Act 1995.
To ensure that the many ratepayers who pay their rates accounts to the City by the due dates are not disadvantaged, the City of Vincent has resolved that it will charge interest on rates balances which remain unpaid after the due date.
Section 6.51 of the Local Government Act and the Local Government Financial Management Regulations provide for interest to be charged on 'Overdue Amounts' which are defined as rates which remain outstanding beyond the due date specified on the Annual Rates Notice.
The maximum interest rate which can be charged on outstanding rates amounts is determined by the Local Government Financial Management Regulations. Currently, this amount is set at 11% per annum calculated daily on amounts that are not paid within 35 days of the issue date of the notice.
There are only two reasons under the Local Government Act 1995 which allow for an objection to rates:
- You are not the ratepayer of the land (e.g. not the registered owner of the rateable land)
- The land is non-rateable in accordance with Section 6.26 of the Local Government Act 1995.
Objection and Appeal Provisions
(Your Valuation Entity Number (VEN) is located on the rate notice)
Your valuation (GRV or UV) is only one factor used to calculate your rates notice. The Valuation of Land Act 1978 (as amended) Part IV sets out how valuation objections may be lodged. A property owner may lodge an objection against the valuation of a property within 60 days of the date of issue of a rates notice. For information on how your values are calculated, please visit Landgate’s website, for more information on how to lodge an online objection click here or alternatively call Landgate Customer Service on +61 (0)8 9273 7373.
Rates Record
Section 6.76 of the Local Government Act 1995 provides the grounds, time and the way individual objections and appeals to the Rates Record may be lodged. An objection to the Rate Book must be made in writing to the council within 42 days of the date of issue of a rates notice.
Section 6.81 of the Local Government Act 1995 refers that rates assessments are required to be paid by the due date, irrespective of whether an objection or appeal has been lodged. In the event of a successful objection or appeal, the rates will be adjusted, and you will be advised accordingly. Credit balances may be refunded on request.
If you are having trouble paying your rates due to a sudden or temporary change in circumstances adversely affecting finances, you may wish to apply for financial hardship assistance. We are here to support you and encourage you to reach out to our rates team as early as possible. Call us on 9273 6000 or email
Find out more about how we can help you.
It is essential that the City has the correct mailing address recorded to ensure rate notices are forwarded to the correct address which will avoid incurring any unwanted penalties on overdue rates.
We require all change of address requests to be completed in writing to protect you against unauthorised changes to your details in City's records. You can submit the electronic change of address form below or you can email the City of Vincent at or you can submit your change of address details in writing to the City of Vincent, PO Box 82, Leederville WA 6902.
Change of address form
Pensioners and seniors with a valid concession cards are entitled to rates reductions depending on their status on Council rates and Emergency Services Levy.
You can only claim a concession or deferment (where eligible) on one (1) property in any one rating year. This applies to the property owned and occupied as at 1 July.
Where arrears of your Annual Rates or Emergency Services Levy exist, a concession may be available where you enter into, and satisfy, a payment arrangement to clear the arrears.
To receive a concession, you must:
- hold one or more of the appropriate Pensioner or Seniors Cards as detailed below;
- be the owner or co-owner of the property or have a right to reside at the property under the terms of a Probated Will as at 1 July; and
- occupy the property as your 'ordinary place of residence'.
Where the property is subject to co-ownership, a partial concession may apply. Pensioners in receipt of a partial concession are not entitled to defer their annual rates.
Where a 'right to reside' at the property under the terms of a Probated Will exists, you will need to provide a copy of the appropriate documents when registering.
The concessions applying to each type of eligible card are detailed below:
You have the choice of either a REBATE on, or the DEFERMENT of your Local Government Rates and Fire and Emergency Services Levy.
To obtain a Rebate on your Rates and Emergency Services Levy you will need to pay the amount indicated on your notice by 30 June of the current financial year. Click below for information on how to apply for a concession card. (Refer to FAQ - How do I apply for a concession card).
Your Rates and Emergency Services Levy will automatically be deferred, where you are eligible, if the amount required to be paid to receive a rebate is not paid by 30 June of the current financial year.
The deferment option is not available where the property:
- is occupied under a life tenancy or right of residency under the terms of a Probated Will of a deceased estate or
- subject to co-ownership other than with a spouse/de facto partner) or
- you have eligibility for a Senior Concession only.
Please note, if the deferment option is not available, you must pay the amount indicated on your Rates Notice before 30 June of the current financial year to receive the rebate.
WA Seniors Card
Department of Local Government and Communities (WA Government)
- Phone: (08)6551 8800 Country: 1800 671 233
- 8:30am to 4pm weekdays (except public holidays)
Commonwealth Seniors Health Card OR Pensioners Concession Card
Centrelink (Commonwealth Government)
Commonwealth Department of Veteran Affairs
- Phone: 9366 8222 or
- Country 1800 113 304
State Concession Card
Family and Children's Services (WA Government)
- Phone: 9222 2555 or
- Country: 1800 622 258
To apply for a concession, phone the Water Corporation Rebate Application Line on 1300 659 951 to submit a rebate application form over the telephone.
Alternatively, you can submit a completed application form (available at the City of Vincent Customer Service Centre), together with a photocopy of both sides of your concession card (s) to either:
Water Corporation or
City of Vincent.
To receive a Rates and Fire and Emergency Services Levy concession, you must register with either the Water Corporation or your Local Government. Your one application will be registered at both organisations.
Your applications for registration will be effective from the day that either the Water Corporation or your Local Government first receives a completed registration form.
For those ratepayers who have a Pensioner Card, State Concession Card or Seniors Card and Commonwealth Seniors Health Care Card registered on their property, the deferment option may apply.
Deferment of the payment of Council rates means that the pensioner does not have to pay their Council rates each year (Deferment only applies to annual Rates and Emergency Service Levy only, all other charges must be paid in full). When the balance payable as shown on the Council rates notice is not paid by the 30th June of the financial year, the pensioner rebate will be reversed, and the full amount of Council rates will be transferred to a deferred account for those eligible pensioners. This deferred amount sits in a separate account and does not accrue interest and will remain as a debt against the property. Deferred rates become payable in full when the property sells, or the pensioner passes away or ceases to reside in the property as their 'ordinary place of residence'.
The deferred rates balance:
- remains as a debt on the property until paid;
- becomes payable in full upon the passing of the pensioner or if the property is sold or if the pensioner ceases to reside in the property.
- may be paid at any time, BUT you do not receive any concession when they are paid (you forfeit any concession you may have been entitled to within the financial year)
- does not incur penalty interest charges.
Please note that life tenants, pensioners in receipt of a proportionate rebate (where they are not receiving the full 50% rebate) and Senior Card holders are NOT entitled to defer their rates and must pay the balance on their account in full by the 30th June of the financial year to claim their rebate. Should they fail to pay their portion of the Council rates by the 30th June of the financial year the rebate is forfeited, then full amount of Council rates will become arrears on the property. These arrears are payable in full immediately irrespective of whether a rebate is registered on the property and may be subject to debt recovery if they remain unpaid.
Any rebate not claimed by the 30th June of the financial year is forfeited and cannot be claimed at a later date. To claim your rebate, you MUST pay your portion of the Council rates by the 30th June of the financial year.
You must immediately advise both the Water Corporation and your Local Government if your circumstances change at any time. For example, notification is required if:
- you are issued with a new card or your card is cancelled or expires;
- your original application details will or have changed;
- you sell or transfer an interest in all, or part, of your property or move to another address;
- as a senior (card issued by the Department of Local Government & Communities) you become an eligible pensioner or the holder of a Commonwealth Seniors Health Card; or
- you or your spouse ceases occupation of the property.