If you are experiencing financial difficulty or don’t believe that you can pay your rates on time, you can apply for a special payment arrangement (SPA).
A SPA may suit your budget and allow you to make affordable weekly, fortnightly and monthly payments. Note that SPAs need to be paid in full by the end of the financial year.
Complete the request for a Special Payment Arrangement plan. Contact the City’s Rates department on 9273 6000 for more information.
Rates that are not paid by due date will incur a late payment penalty interest of 11% per annum calculated daily. Accounts in arrears or dishonoured payments may receive a reminder/final notice. Please contact the rates department on 9273 6000 if you experience difficulty in paying your rates to discuss an alternative payment option.
About financial hardship
You will be considered to be in financial hardship if paying your rates and service charges will affect your ability to meet your basic living needs. That is, you have the intention, but not the capacity to pay.
Financial hardship may be caused by:
- The loss of your (or a family member’s) primary income
- Separation or divorce from your spouse
- Loss of a spouse or loved-one
- Domestic or family violence
- Physical or mental health problems
- A chronic medical condition
- Budget management difficulties arising from a low income
- Other unforeseen factors affecting your capacity to pay, such as a reduction in income or an increase in non-discretionary spending.
The following indicators are considered by the City of Vincent when determining whether a ratepayer is experiencing financial hardship:
- Recently unemployment or under-employed (ie having hours significantly reduced);
- Significant life events such as serious illness, a relationship breakdown, or death in the family;
- Unanticipated circumstances such as caring for and supporting extended family;
- Significantly lower income or loss of income;
- Total income after tax (take home pay) and other financial commitments;
- The total number of children or dependents involved;
- Eligibility for Government funded concessions;
- Advice has been received from an independent financial counsellor;
- Domestic or family violence.
Although the above list displays indicators of possible hardship, each situation is treated with sensitivity and understanding according to the individual circumstance.
Ratepayers are to provide all relevant information and documentation that can assist the City to assess the hardship relief request.
Payment plans
The City will do the following to assist with financial hardship:
- Submit a Financial Hardship Assistance request. We will provide you with a payment plan that suits you. This may include an extension of time to pay by up to 6 months from due date of annual notice. There are no fees or charges applied to a payment plan.
- Six month review. If you need a new or revised payment plan, or a further 6 months to pay we will work with you to customise a plan that suits you.
- Further assistance. If you are still struggling to meet the requirements of your payment plan at 6 months, you may need further assistance. The City will assess if you are entitled to assistance through the City of Vincent's Financial Hardship Fund. We will also assist you to connect with financial support services provided by Federal and State Government agencies.
If we determine you are in financial hardship we will offer you more time to pay your account or have you enter into a payment plan. A payment plan is an agreement between you and the City, where we agree to receive a certain amount of money in regular instalments over an agreed time frame.
We will involve you and your financial counsellor (if applicable) in setting up a payment plan.
We will work with you to create a payment plan based on how much you can afford to pay and determine a realistic amount based on your individual circumstances.
Some ratepayers may require payment plans on an annual basis.
The payment plan will:
- Have an agreed end date;
- Involve regular weekly, fortnightly or monthly payments;
- Require full payment of the current and existing amounts owing; and
- Be made by a direct debit payment from your bank account.
More time to pay
If your circumstances change and you expect this to impact your ability to meet the terms of your agreement, we ask you to contact the City immediately.
The City may review and revise your payment plan if necessary. If our review indicates you are unable to meet your obligations under the plan it will be revised.
If you do not adhere to the terms of the arrangement, reasonable efforts will be made to contact you before we take further action.
A payment plan may not be offered if you have previously had two payment plans cancelled because of non-payment.
If the City determines that you are in financial hardship, your payment plan will include the following concessions:
- The payment plan will not attract penalty interest or additional charges; and
- Debt recovery will cease while the payment plan is in place
Debt recovery
We will suspend our debt recovery processes:
- While we are assessing if you are experiencing financial hardship or payment difficulties;
- If you are complying with the payment plan agreed with the City.
If you are unable to make payments in accordance with the agreed payment plan, it is important that you contact us to renegotiate the plan.
If you have failed to make the agreed payments on at least two occasions, we will make reasonable attempts to contact you and discuss your payment situation, before commencing debt recovery.
If you are contacted about your outstanding rates or service charges, we will advise you of the Recovery of Debt and Service Charge Policy and the process for making a Financial Hardship Application.
The City reserves the right to commence debt recovery, including registering a charge on your property for any outstanding arrears balance, if you do not meet your payment obligations.
Further financial assistance
Some ratepayers may be experiencing a degree of financial crisis that requires financial support beyond the scope of these guidelines.
The City will assist you to connect with financial support services provided by Federal and State Government agencies.
We encourage you to seek the advice of an independent financial counsellor who can assist you to create a financial plan to suit your circumstances. Financial counsellors provide free, confidential and independent information to help you take control of your financial situation. You can find a financial counsellor by visiting https://fcawa.org/ or emailing [email protected].
If you are unable to visit a face-to-face financial counsellor in person, you can call the National Debt Helpline on 1800 007 007.
The City also has a relationship with local charitable organisations who can provide you with immediate financial assistance.