Weed Control


The City of Vincent is responsible for maintaining Public Open Space (POS) including parks, gardens and road reserves. All areas of POS require various forms of weed management to sustain their intended function.

Chemical Weed Control

Wherever possible, weed control is undertaken using chemical free techniques or organic herbicides. In some situations however, these techniques are either not effective or not feasible and alternative chemical weed control is required.

Alternative weed control herbicides used by the City are either non-selective or selective. Non-selective herbicides are used for the control of both broadleaf weeds and grasses, whereas selective herbicides control either broadleaf weeds or grasses exclusively.

The non-selective herbicide used for weed control is glyphosate. Instances where glyphosate is used include:

  • Control of perennial running grasses and woody perennial weeds in parks, reserves and streetscapes (predominantly in garden areas and for the City’s eco-zoning program).
  • Footpath and kerb line weed spraying program.

Glyphosate information

The City of Vincent uses pesticides that have been approved for use by the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA).

The APVMA has made the following statement regarding the use of glyphosate in Australia:

“Glyphosate is registered for use in Australia and APVMA approved products containing glyphosate can continue to be used safely according to label directions. Australian law requires appropriate warnings on product labels, which include relevant poisons scheduling, first aid, and safety directions detailing personal protective equipment when handling and using products containing glyphosate. The APVMA reminds all users of the importance of following all label instructions. As the national regulator for agricultural chemicals, we continue to track and consider any new scientific information associated with safety and effectiveness of glyphosate, including the information available from other regulators.”

Wherever possible, the City’s Parks Team now use organic alternatives (e.g. pelargonic acid), manual or mechanical techniques to manage weeds in our parks, reserves, streetscapes, right of ways and verges.

There are a variety of different selective herbicides which are predominantly used to control broad leaved weeds in turfed areas (e.g. for the control of bindii or prickle weed in turf). The specific herbicide used is determined by what weed is being targeted.

All Parks staff applying chemicals are trained in the safe application and storage of herbicides used for our practices. Herbicides are applied in accordance with the label directions and signage is displayed as per the Heath (Pesticides) Amendment Regulation 2016.

Contractors engaged by the City who apply herbicides are closely supervised by City officers to ensure they comply with the relevant regulations and legislation.

Broadleaf Weed Control

Control of broadleaf weeds in turfed areas within parks and reserves is important to minimise the spread of nuisance weeds such as bindii prickle Soliva pterosperma. Control of broadleaf weeds also reduces maintenance and water requirements of turfed areas by removing competing weed species.

The best time to carry our broadleaf weed control is in late winter/early spring once plants have germinated and before they set seed. This reduces the seed bank in the soil thereby reducing the occurrence of weeds in subsequent years.

The City engaged Environmental Industries to undertake broadleaf weed control within turfed areas of selected parks and reserves as outlined below (subject to weather suitability). The 2024 programme was completed as below:


  • Braithwaite
  • Richmond st reserve
  • Axford
  • Blackford
  • Edinboro
  • Ellesmere - Matlock
  • Ellesmere-Eton
  • Hobart-Auckland
  • Lawler street sump
  • Shakespeare st reserve
  • Beatty Park
  • Charles Veryard
  • Woodville


  • Redfern-Norham
  • Ivy Park
  • Keith Frame
  • Oxford st reserve
  • Scarborough-Anzac
  • Sutherland st reserve
  • Venables
  • Albert-Angove
  • Hyde Street reserve
  • Britannia Road
  • Menzies


  • Forrest Park
  • Birdwood Square
  • Les Lillyman
  • Mary st Piazza
  • Mick Michael
  • Monmouth
  • Multicultural gardens
  • Stuart St
  • Banks reserve
  • Brigatti gardens
  • Brisbane - Wade
  • Gladstone
  • Jack Marks reserve


  • Brentham Reserve
  • Smiths Lake
  • Robertson Park
  • Banks Grove
  • Weld Square


  • Hyde Park
  • Loton Park
  • Kyilla reserve
  • Alma reserve
  • Lynton Street reserve

Footpath and kerb line weed spraying program

Seasonal weed control using glyphosate spraying will be conducted from February to March (weather permitting) as follows:

  • Glyphosate will be applied to road kerbs, footpaths adjacent to kerbs and traffic islands throughout Vincent, in accordance with label directions and best practice from the WA Department of Health.
  • Application will cease in wet or windy conditions and nozzle protection shrouds will be used to minimise spray drift.
  • Weed spraying vehicles will have clear signage showing ‘Slow Moving Vehicle, Spraying in Progress’ and display the Contractor’s name.

Right of Way weed control

The City runs an annual mechanical (manual) weed control program of all its Right of Ways (ROW). This is carried out via an external contractor and runs between September and December.

No chemical spraying is carried out by the City within its ROWs. Weeds are cut down, removed from the site and processed at a local green waste facility.

If you have concerns about weeds in your ROW, contact our Parks team on [email protected] or 9273 6000.

Weed Spraying Exemption

Vincent residents who wish to exempt glyphosate spraying adjacent to their property can have their name and property address recorded on the non-spraying list.

Fill out the form below to request an exemption.


I/We request our property to be placed on the permanent weed spraying exemption list.

I/We hereby undertake to keep the footpath and kerbline adjacent to my/our property clean and free from weed growth.*This field is required.

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