Waterwise Council
Vincent has achieved Waterwise Council status!
What is the Waterwise Council program?
The Water Corporation, Department of Water and the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI), have come together to develop the Waterwise Council program. The aim of this program is to build a co-operative working relationship with local governments to improve water use efficiency in local government and their communities.
Why is the Waterwise Council program important?
With various concerns for West Australians, such as climate change and predictions of reduced water availability, managing our finite water resources has never been so critical.
Local Government Authorities, such as Vincent, are considered to be substantial water users and therefore we are required to act as a leader in promoting efficient and effective water management.
What are the benefits of becoming a Waterwise Council?
Some of these benefits include:
- The better understanding of the City’s water requirements and use;
- Increasing water efficiency throughout the City;
- Waterwise training and additional resources; and
- Increasing the knowledge of staff to become more effective water managers.
Vincent achieved Waterwise Council status in September 2013. To achieve this status, the City, among other initiatives and programs, conducted several water usage audits, compiled a Local Action Plan for water efficiency and water saving actions as well as retrofitted a number of locations to save water and reduce the demand of our valuable water sources.
How has the City has been saving water?
Sewer Mining
Hyde Park Lakes Restoration Project
More Information
Contact the City's Project Officer - Parks & Environment on 9273 6000 or [email protected]