Portable Signage Permit
According to the Local Government Property Local Law 2021, 'portable sign' means a portable free standing advertising sign; 'a frame sign' means a folding sign which is hinged at the top to provide a stable structure when open.
A portable sign permit allows you to display a portable sign associated with your approved business on the footpath area in front of your premises.
Before you start your application, there are a few requirements you need to be aware of, including:
- You will need public liability insurance with a minimum of $10 million coverage that specifically includes using the footpath for this type of activity;
- The location of the outdoor eating area can only be in front of your business, either within the frontage or kerbside zone (see picture below);
- A minimum 1500mm continuous clear pathway for pedestrians;
- Frontage zone only if the speed limit on your road is 60km/per hour or more, if your business is on Charles Street and/or you are located within 10 metres of a corner);
- The goods display must be removed from the footpath at close of business each day;
- The portable sign shall:
- not exceed 1,000 millimetres in height
- not exceed an area of 0.8 square metres on any side
- relate only to the business activity described on the permit;
- Be secured in position;
- Be placed so as not to obstruct or impede the reasonable use of a thoroughfare or access to a place by any person or the sight line of any vehicle drivers;
- Be maintained in good condition; and
- No more than one portable sign shall be erected in relation to the one building or business.

To submit your online application, you will need to upload the following information:
- An accurate plan and description of:
- The proposed portable sign; and
- The proposed location of the portable sign and the area in a radius of approximately 10 metres around the location on a scale of 1:100 the location of all carriageways, footpaths, verges, street furniture, light poles, parking signs, traffic lights, other impediments to pedestrian traffic and premises abutting any verge or footpath;
- Colour photograph (or similar) of the proposed portable sign; and
- Certificate of Currency for minimum $10 million public liability insurance.
If you meet the above requirements and can upload the above information then you can continue with the online permit application.