Permit: Portable Signage

Portable Signage Permit

According to the Local Government Property Local Law 2021, 'portable sign' means a portable free standing advertising sign; 'a frame sign' means a folding sign which is hinged at the top to provide a stable structure when open.

A portable sign permit allows you to display a portable sign associated with your approved business on the footpath area in front of your premises.

Before you start your application, there are a few requirements you need to be aware of, including:

  • You will need public liability insurance with a minimum of $10 million coverage that specifically includes using the footpath for this type of activity;
  • The location of the outdoor eating area can only be in front of your business, either within the frontage or kerbside zone (see picture below);
  • A minimum 1500mm continuous clear pathway for pedestrians;
  • Frontage zone only if the speed limit on your road is 60km/per hour or more, if your business is on Charles Street and/or you are located within 10 metres of a corner);
  • The goods display must be removed from the footpath at close of business each day;
  • The portable sign shall:
    1. not exceed 1,000 millimetres in height
    2. not exceed an area of 0.8 square metres on any side
    3. relate only to the business activity described on the permit;
  • Be secured in position;
  • Be placed so as not to obstruct or impede the reasonable use of a thoroughfare or access to a place by any person or the sight line of any vehicle drivers;
  • Be maintained in good condition; and
  • No more than one portable sign shall be erected in relation to the one building or business.

Portable Signage Diagram

To submit your online application, you will need to upload the following information:

  • An accurate plan and description of:
    • The proposed portable sign; and
    • The proposed location of the portable sign and the area in a radius of approximately 10 metres around the location on a scale of 1:100 the location of all carriageways, footpaths, verges, street furniture, light poles, parking signs, traffic lights, other impediments to pedestrian traffic and premises abutting any verge or footpath;
  • Colour photograph (or similar) of the proposed portable sign; and
  • Certificate of Currency for minimum $10 million public liability insurance.

If you meet the above requirements and can upload the above information then you can continue with the online permit application.

If you are unsure, or unable to satisfy the above requirements or provide this information, please contact the City on 9273 6000 for more information.

*Please allow 15 minutes to complete this application. You will not be able to save and return to it later.

I verify that my public liability insurance policy has a minimum liability limit of $10 million (ten million dollars) and that the policy covers my usual business activities including the provision of an outdoor eating area/display of goods/display of signage on footpaths or other trading places which may or may not be under the ownership, care, custody and control of the City of Vincent.*This field is required.
I confirm that valid planning approval is held (where required) for the land use associated with this permit.*This field is required.
I declare that I am the legal occupant of the property detailed in this application and that I am duly authorised to make this application on behalf of the business’*This field is required.
I am aware of all of the requirements and obligations under the Trading in Public Places Local Law 2008/Local Government Property Local Law 2021 and agree to comply with these.*This field is required.
I agree to indemnify the City in respect of any injury of any person or any damage to any property which may occur in connection with my use of the public place as an outdoor eating area.*This field is required.
Within the past 5 years, I nor the business for which this permit is being sought, have been committed of a breach of any provisions of the Trading in Public Places Local Law 2008*This field is required.
I, nor the business for which this permit is being sought, are an undischarged bankrupt or in liquidation.*This field is required.
I, nor the business for which the permit is being sought, have entered into any composition or arrangement with creditors.*This field is required.
I, nor the business for which the permit is being applied for, have appointed a manager, administrator, trustee, a receiver or a receiver and manger in relation to any part of my person, or the business for which the permit is being applied for, undertakings or property.*This field is required.
I confirm that there are currently no trading activities occurring in the public space the subject of this application (if this application is to renew a permit, this is aside from the activity the subject of this application).*This field is required.

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Max File Size: 10.00 MB
Allowed File Types: .avi, .doc, .docx, .gif, .jpeg, .jpg, .mov, .mp3, .mp4, .mpeg, .mpg, .pdf, .png, .ppt, .pptx, .xls, .xlsx
Site Plan Text

Please include the following in the plan and description of the Goods Display:

  • The proposed goods/signage;
  • The proposed location of the signage and the area in a radius of approximately 10 metres around that location showing on a scale of approximately 1:100 the location of all carriageways, footpaths, verges, street furniture, bins, light poles, parking signs, traffic lights, other impediments to pedestrian traffic and premises abutting any verge or footpath; and
  • Provide a colour photograph or similar representation of the goods/sign (compulsory).

Max File Size: 10.00 MB
Allowed File Types: .avi, .doc, .docx, .gif, .jpeg, .jpg, .mov, .mp3, .mp4, .mpeg, .mpg, .pdf, .png, .ppt, .pptx, .xls, .xlsx
I warrant that all of the information provided within this application is correct and complete to the best of my knowledge.*This field is required.
Agreement Scroll Text (Local Law)

The permit holder shall:

  • Maintain the portable sign in a safe and serviceable condition at all times;
  • Display the permit number in a conspicuous location on the sign and produce the portable sign permit when requested by the City;
  • Ensure the sign is of a stable design and cannot be readily moved by the wind, or cause any hazard or danger to any person using the footpath;
  • Display the sign in the approved location only;
  • Ensure free passage of persons using the footpath at all times;
  • Maintain public liability insurance with a minimum $10 million liability through a reputable insurance company for the duration of the permit; and
  • Remove the portable sign when requested to do so on reasonable grounds in the event of an emergency, or works required to be undertaken to the public place.

Sign specifications

The portable sign:

  • shall not exceed 1000mm in height and 0.8 metres on any side;
  • can only be placed a minimum of 500mm and maximum of 1200mm from the kerb to ensure free passage for pedestrians;
  • must be removed from the footpath at close of business each day; and
  • must be free standing.
I am aware of all of the requirements and obligations under the Local Government Property Local Law and agree to comply with these.

I am aware of all of the requirements and obligations under the Local Government Property Local Law and agree to comply with these.

I am aware of all of the requirements and obligations under the Local Government Property Local Law and agree to comply with these.*This field is required.
Submitting application

*By submitting this application you agree to comply with the terms and conditions contained within the permit.

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