Charmaine Cole
Charmaine Cole was born in Subiaco.
Her language group is from Gnaarla Karla Booja and Wagyl Kiap Noongar Nation. She was raised in Belmont, Western Australia in a single-parent household. Her mother is a survivor of the Stolen Generations and was born in Katanning, Western Australia.
City of Vincent commissioned a series of artworks from Charmaine to use in various supports, including our Reconciliation Action Plan document.
You can view more of her artwork here.
Jade Dolman
Jade Dolman is a Whadjuk/Balladong Nyoongar (mother’s side), Eastern Arrente (father’s side) heritage woman from Perth.
She is a visual artist and remains connected to her culture through painting and family. Jade creates murals and public art in Perth, Western Australia.
Jade's artwork Boodjar Nakolak Yanginy (Sharing the Knowledge of the Land) is currently displayed in the City of Vincent Council Chamber and on the City of Vincent ranger's cars.
The blue represents the old waterways, which once had a rich biodiversity of plants and animals, the green is the land and the warm colours are the people and animals. The black dot in the top left represents the location of the City of Vincent's office.
You can view more of her artwork here.
Rohin Kickett
Rohin Kickett is a Ballardong Noongar contemporary Artist and Photographer.
Rohin has worked with the City of Vincent with his photography and contributions to his artwork. Rohin’s artworks are inspired by his family and their stories of strength and survival and his own experience growing up in Perth. His artwork below represents the Noongar region and is currently displayed in the City of Vincent Administration Building.

Banks Reserve - Mixed Media
You can view more of his artwork here.
Darryl Bellotti
Darryl Bellotti is a Yamatji/Nyoongar Indigenous man based in Perth. He works as a Graphic Designer and Consultant for both the government and private sectors.
With experience in other fields such as Youth Outreach and other community engagement activities, Darryl has strong links to both Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities and works closely with each to bridge the gap in understanding how to grow the foundations for Aboriginal culture to thrive in the wider community and abroad.
You can view more of his artwork here.
Vincent Admin Building Windows

Six Seasons - Birak
First Summer | December and January

Six Seasons - Bunuru
Second Summer | February and March

Six Seasons - Djeran
Autumn | April and May

Six Seasons - Makuru
Winter | June and July

Six Seasons - Djilba
First Spring | August and September

Six Seasons - Kambarang
Transformational time of the year | October and November
Read more about the Noongar Six Seasons here.
Vincent Admin Building Meeting Rooms

Djidi Djidi - Willy Wagtail

Kaa Kaa - Kookaburra

Karak - Red Tailed Black Cockatoo

Koolbardi - Magpie
Wardong - Crow

Djer Djer - Blue Wren
Read more about the local birds here.
Kevin Bynder
Kevin Bynder (Kevvynders Art) was born in Perth to Whadjuk-Yuet Nyungar Mother and a Widi-Badimia Yamatji Father.
Apart from the City of Vincent, Kevin has also been commissioned by over 30 sporting clubs to create their uniforms. Some clubs include the West Coast Eagles, Port Adelaide, Perth Scorchers, Fremantle Dockers, and the Perth Wildcats. Additionally, he has designed a $2 coin for the Perth Mint. Besides being an artist, Kevin has worked in schools, teaching Indigenous students from remote communities.
Kevin’s art is displayed on the City’s uniforms. It can be seen with the team at Beatty Park Leisure Centre on their winter jackets and Swim School rashies, as well as our polo shirts worn by staff across the City.
The design shows both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island people coming together to be as one on the Australian shore.
The circles on the top and the bottom in the green, white and blue show some of the islands of the Torres Strait surrounded by the water. The Aboriginal colours in the middle represent all Indigenous people of Australia the traditional owners of the land. The two hands represent the generations of people who have passed through this land and leave their ancestral DNA behind for the future generation. Together, both Torres Strait Islanders and Indigenous Australians, keep their connection to the land.
You can view more of his artworks here.
Seantelle Walsh
Seantelle Walsh, known as Kardy Kreations is a contemporary Noongar Artist, born and raised in Perth. She has worked across the Western Australian community under her trade name Kardy Kreations. She delivers painting workshops to various schools and organisations, encouraging cultural diversity with a contemporary perspective on Aboriginal art and culture.
Her mother’s paternal heritage has a connection to the Perenjori Balardong area and her mother’s maternal ancestry connects with the Wilman Tribe from Gnaala Kala Boodja region. Seantelle identifies strongly with her culture and proudly displays connection through her work. Being the eldest of six children, she shares a strong sense of family and community.
Seantelle’s artwork can be seen within the tiles of Beatty Park’s 25m indoor pool. The purpose of the Aboriginal tile artwork is to give fun and exciting points of interest in the pool. Swim School uses tile artwork as a tool to assist when teaching.
You can view more of her artworks here.












The Noongar words below are only a small part of the Noongar language.