Events and Festivals
We know how much everyone in Vincent loves a get-together, and the events and festivals hosted in our City are undoubtedly one of the most enjoyable parts of living in our beautiful community.
Event Sponsorship 2025-2026
The Event Sponsorship Program for 2025-2026 will encourage applicants to apply for sponsorship funding for a variety of events such as art events, family-friendly festivals, concerts, food markets and community and cultural celebrations within the City of Vincent.
Please refer to the guidelines before completing your submission:
Event Sponsorship Guidelines 2025-26
Key Dates
Applications will open on Monday 10 February 2025 at 9am
Applications will close on Friday 21 March 2025 at 4pm
Successful applicants will be notified in May 2025
Your event takes place between 1 July 2025 - 30 June 2026
Sponsorship is available for:
- Established commercial businesses and incorporated community groups
- Applicants with appropriate insurances and licensed (public liability, product liability, general property, and workers compensation)
- Events that are free to attend and are within the City's boundary
- Events that demonstrate alignment to all criteria listed in the Guidelines
2024-2025 Outcomes
Council considered applications for 2024/25 sponsorship at the May 2024 Council meeting.
Event Application
If you're organising a public event being held in a public place or on City of Vincent land, you might need to apply for some approvals.
Fill out the Event Application Form below to streamline the approvals process.
Event application online form (recommended)
Event application fillable PDF
Note: if your event is held within a City of Vincent Hall, you don't need an event application. Check the FAQ's below for more details.
Event FAQs
What counts as an event?
An event is a gathering of people brought together for a common purpose by some prearrangement. Events are generally public gatherings held in a public space with activities that may require approval such as entertainment, food and drinks, stalls, alcohol and amusement rides.
Do I need to complete an event application form?
If your event has any of the following, we ask that you complete the Event Application (Fillable PDF, or Online Form) to streamline the approvals process
- A public event being held in a public place on City land
- Your event has any of the following
- Food and/or alcohol
- Music or entertainment
- Stalls
- Amusement rides
- Structures being installed
If you’re unsure, it’s always best to complete the application and we will let you know if no further approvals or permits are required.
How do I book a park or facility?
All our Facilities are available for hire through Space to Co
What is the process for holding an event in Vincent?
- Ensure the facility you wish to host your event at is available (check here)
- Complete the Event Application Form (Fillable PDF, or Online Form)
- We will review your application and provide you a bespoke list of permits and approvals you may require for your event
- We may set up a meeting with you to discuss and assist with your event requirements
- You provide the City with all the information for review (such as risk registers and temporary food permits)
- The City review all documentation and provide an event approval
- You hold your event!
How to I apply to sell food at my event?
To apply to trade at an approved event within Vincent, please see the 'Mobile food vehicle/trailer & food stall permit applications' dropdown on our page.
What are the timeframes for planning my event?
We love supporting local events and are here to help when it comes to event requirements.
Please find below a guide for submission timeframes:
6 weeks before event - Step 1: Complete the Event Application and send to the City
5 weeks before event - Step 2: The City reviews the Event Application, and provides you with detailed information that is required
4 weeks before event - Step 3: The applicant submits Event applications
1 week before event - Step 4: The City does the final review and where appropriate, approvals issued.
Please be aware the City is seeing an ever-growing appetite for events and we would love for these to happen, however if the necessary information is not provided to the City within reasonable timeframes as outlined above the event may be unable to proceed.
What's on in Vincent?
Click here to see what’s coming up near you!
I would like more information.
Please contact the Marketing and Communications Team on 9273 6000 or email [email protected]
Related information
Food permits