Policies & local laws

Find local laws and policies adopted by Council on this page.


Our policies are principles and procedures adopted by Council that guide our actions and decisions.


Local Laws

Local laws govern activities on land that is owned or managed by the City, as well as certain activities on private land within our boundaries. Local laws are created to address the unique needs of communities and are enforced by local governments. 

Animal Local Law

The objective of this local law is to:

  • Provide for the effective management, control and regulation of the keeping of dogs, cats, large animals, animals of potential burden, poultry, pigeons, miscellaneous birds and bees within the City.
  • Effectively control and manage cat numbers, confinement and curfews for cats, consistent with the State Government review findings from November 2019.
  • To effectively deter failing to comply with select provisions of the proposed Animal Local Law 2022.

Animal Local Law 2022

List of Dog Exercise Areas Within the City of Vincent

List of Cat Prohibited Areas


The objective of this local law is to provide for the regulation, control and management of fences within the district.

Fencing Local Law 2008


The Health (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1911 requires a local authority to adopt their own Local Law to carry out the provisions of the Act within its own district.

The Health Local Law controls such matters as the keeping of animals and poultry, the control of vermin and other nuisances, maintenance of houses, disposal of refuse, control of infectious diseases and licensing of certain premises.

Health Local Law 2004

Local Government Property

The objective of this local law is to provide for the regulation, control and management of activities and facilities on local government property, thoroughfares and public places within the district.

Local Government Property Local Law 2021


The objective of the Parking Local Law is to provide for the regulation, control and management of parking and vehicles within the district.

Parking Local Law 2023

Ticket Machine Zones

Parking Stations Under Care, Control and Management

Meeting Procedures     

The objective of this local law is to provide rules, procedures and guidelines to assist in the good conduct of meetings of the Council, committees and the standards to be observed by persons attending such meetings.

Meeting Procedures Local Law 2008

Trading in Public Places 

The objective of this local law is to provide for the regulation, control and management of trading activities, outdoor eating facilities, stalls, displays of goods and items, and traders and entertainers in any street or public place within the district by establishing the requirements with which persons must comply in order to undertake those activities.

Trading in Public Places Local Law 2008


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