City of Vincent launches Strategic Community Plan 2022 - 2032

Published on Tuesday, 6 June 2023 at 9:20:00 AM

The City of Vincent has launched its refreshed Strategic Community Plan (SCP) 2022 – 2032 which will pave the way for decision-making for the next decade.

The SCP is Vincent’s most significant guiding document.

The purpose of the plan is to establish the community’s vision for the future.

Vincent developed the original plan after engaging with hundreds of people as part of Imagine Vincent – the biggest community engagement initiative in its history.

Four years on, it was time to touch base again with the community and review the vision and priorities through the Imagine Vincent: The Sequel campaign.

After the major review and consultation campaign, Council adopted the second version, SCP 2022 – 2032, at its 16 May Ordinary Council Meeting.

Between March and May 2022, Vincent ran online surveys, met people at face-to-face workshops and held pop-up stalls in town centres, popular locations and community events such as Neon Picnic, Kyilla Community Farmers’ Market and the Pickle District After Dark.

As a result, a total of 843 submissions were received.

More than 1400 people visited the Imagine Vincent: The Sequel webpage and over 9900 people were reached through Vincent’s social media channels.

The feedback confirmed the original vision and priorities aligned with what the community is thinking now.

The current vision statement is:

“In 2032, the City of Vincent is a leafy and vibrant 24-hour city which is synonymous with quality design and sustainability. Its diverse population is supported in their innovative endeavours by a Council that says YES!”

Vincent staff and Council will continue to work together with the community on delivering key projects and plans.

View the Strategic Community Plan (SCP) 2022 – 2032 here.

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