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The speed limit is now 40km/h on local roads in Vincent. Collect a bin sticker to remind drivers to slow down in your street.
The speed limit on all local roads in Vincent will drop to 40km/h.
The speed limit on all local access roads in Vincent will drop to 40km/h.
The City of Vincent is seeking approval from Main Roads WA to expand permanent 40km/h speed zones to the rest of its local roads.
Vincent is seeking Main Roads WA approval to make the 40km/h speed limit permanent on all local roads.
Vincent residents are invited to have their say on a bold new strategy aimed at changing the way people travel and improving the City’s transport network. Visit Imagine Vincent to find out more and share your thoughts.
On 29 April, we will start a 40km/h speed zone trial in Vincent’s southern suburban areas. 57.4% of the people we surveyed in our community consultation last July voted yes to the trial. We asked a few residents to tell us why they voted yes.
The City of Vincent’s 40km/h speed zone trial will start on 29 April in Vincent’s southern suburban areas. The two-year trial aims to study the impact of slower speed limits in residential areas, with independent research supported by the Road Safety Commission.