Vibrant Public Space Application Form #10 and #11 - Parklets and Eatlets


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Your business details

Your details

Nature of your proposal

Do you intend to serve liquor in the Vibrant Public Space?*This field is required.

Documents upload

Please attach documents related to your application that provide the following:

Design proposal

Please attach a copy of your design proposal for the parklet or eatlet structure.

Before submitting the design proposal, please ensure that the plan includes the following detail:

  • Type, colour and finish of materials that will be used.
  • Measurements (height, length, width, depth) of all structures. Please note: Continuous opaque walls are not permitted to exceed 900mm in height from the footpath floor level and clear glazing is permitted to a maximum height of 1,200mm in height from the footpath floor level. Alfresco blinds are not permitted. Overhead shelter structures shall have a minimum clearance of 2,400mm from the finished ground level to the lowest part of the shelter. Where the Parklet or Eatlet has a canopy, the provision of lighting is mandatory. Parklets and Eatlets located in the carriageway must have a positive edge along the road and parking bay facing sides to a minimum height of 600mm.
  • Details of structure's base e.g. placed on existing ground surface, decked platform, or proposing new paving. Please note: Where new paving is proposed, the City will consult with the applicant and design the paving enhancements. The paving works will then be undertaken by the applicant, at the applicant's cost and as prescribed in the City's annual fees and charges (2024/25 Fees and Charges Schedule), and compliance checked by the City. Decked platforms located in the carriageway should be freestanding and not require anchoring into the City's road infrastructure. A 150mm x 150mm minimum clear gutter space must be provided the entire length of the Parklet or Eatlet adjacent to the kerb to allow for flow of kerbside drainage.
  • Location and percentage of living green planting, such as shrubs, succulents, climbing plants or trees. Please note: A minimum of 15% of the total Parklet or Eatlet area must be living green planting. This may be reduced to 10% where trees or climbing plants are incorporated to provide shade canopy. Artificial man-made green elements are not considered living green planting.
  • Location and type of safety materials to be provided by applicant. Please note: Parklets and Eatlets located in the carriageway must include the following safety materials: soft hit posts on the roadside, wheel stops at each end unless the car bay is embayed or adjacent to a tree well, and rated barriers at each end.
  • Location and details of permanent seating. Please note: Parklets and Eatlets must integrate permanent seating to ensure the space remains useable and welcoming after business hours.
  • Details of access to structure. Please note: Parklets and Eatlets must be open and accessible from the adjoining footpath via an unobstructed flush or ramped section. Where the structure is on a sloping site, a minimum of 1,500mm wide unobstructed flush section must be provided. Decked Parklets and Eatlets shall have a maximum gap of 10mm between the deck and the footpath.

Max File Size: 10.00 MB
Allowed File Types: .avi, .doc, .docx, .gif, .jpeg, .jpg, .mov, .mp3, .mp4, .mpeg, .mpg, .pdf, .png, .ppt, .pptx, .xls, .xlsx
Please attach a location/site plan or marked up aerial image that provides the following:

Site plan

Please attach a copy of your site plan of the surrounding area of the Parklet or Eatlet structure.

Before submitting the design proposal, please ensure that the plan includes the following detail:

  • Location of the Parklet or Eatlet on the verge, kerbside zone or road carriageway. Please note: Parklets and Eatlets shall not be located in the frontage zone (e.g. against the doors/windows of the business) or embayed parking spaces which service public transport, on-demand transport, service vehicles or people with disabilities. Parklets and Eatlets shall be offset a minimum of 750mm at each end to allow pedestrians to traverse the street and must be located a minimum of 600mm from any service pit and 500mm from any existing street trees and planting. Where located in a carriageway, Parklets and Eatlets shall only be permitted on roads where the speed limit does not exceed 40km/h or on 50km/h roads where traffic calming is in place; must not be located on roads classified as Primary Distributor or four lane District Distributor roads; shall generally be setback at least one car park space from a corner; shall have a minimum buffer distance of 1,500mm between the outer edge of adjacent parking spaces and the edge of the Parklet or Eatlet area; shall have a minimum buffer distance of approximately 300mm between the road side outer edge of the parking space and the edge of the Parklet or Eatlet area; and a maximum of two parking bays shall be used adjacent to the applicant's business or tenancy. 
  • Location of any service pits, pedestrian ramps and/or street trees or planting and the distance to the Parklet or Eatlet. Please note Parklets and Eatlets must be located a minimum of 600mm from any service pit or pedestrian ramp and must be setback from existing street trees and planting, to ensure the health of the tree or planting.
  • Location and width (in mm) of the clear pedestrian zone. Please note: Parklets and Eatlets must be located to provide a minimum of 2,000mm width clear pedestrian zone, unless the width cannot be provided due to the design of the existing streetscape and a reduced width can be demonstrated to meet Design Objectives O4.2.6, O4.2.7 and O4.2.9 of the Vibrant Public Space Policy. The clear pedestrian zone must align with the clear pedestrian zone in front of neighbouring properties.

Max File Size: 10.00 MB
Allowed File Types: .avi, .doc, .docx, .gif, .jpeg, .jpg, .mov, .mp3, .mp4, .mpeg, .mpg, .pdf, .png, .ppt, .pptx, .xls, .xlsx
Please attach written support for the proposal from neighbouring properties

Adjacent business support

Applicants must seek the support of any adjoining properties for their Parklet or Eatlet proposal. This may be in the form of an email or letter of support.

Please attach a copy of the written support. 

Max File Size: 10.00 MB
Allowed File Types: .avi, .doc, .docx, .gif, .jpeg, .jpg, .mov, .mp3, .mp4, .mpeg, .mpg, .pdf, .png, .ppt, .pptx, .xls, .xlsx


I acknowledge:

I acknowledge:

  • Business logos, advertising, other branding, and reserved signs are prohibited in Vibrant Public Spaces.
  • Decked Parklets and Eatlets must be modular in design to allow access for maintenance. 
  • Decked platforms and any affixed furniture must be able to be removed within a 24-hour period without damage to the footpath, verge or any surrounding service pits.
  • Parklets and Eatlets must have a minimum of two Vibrant Public Space signs installed. The signage will be supplied by the City of Vincent and is to be installed by the applicant.
  • Existing street furniture, street trees or planting shall not be removed or relocated to accommodate Parklet or Eatlet proposals.
  • Applicants must ensure Parklets and Eatlets are maintained in a clean, tidy, good, inoffensive and aesthetically appealing condition at all times and are responsible for disposal of any rubbish left in the Parklet or Eatlet.
  • Parklets and Eatlets shall not impede or negatively impact upon pedestrian, cyclist or vehicle access crossovers, or impede emergency vehicle movement.
  • The applicant will be issued with an invoice upon approval of an application for a fee prescribed in Council's 2024/25 Fees and Charges Schedule
  • Approved eatlets will be required to pay an annual renewal fee as prescribed in Council's 2024/25 Fees and Charges Schedule.
I acknowledge:*This field is required.

Validate and Submit Form

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