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Agenda PDF Agenda HTML Attachment 1 to Item 12.1 Corporate Business Plan Item 11.6 Adoption of Property Management Framework has been withdrawn by Administration. Updated Attachment 1 to item 12.1 Corporate Business Plan 2020/21 - 2023/24 Minutes PDF Minutes HTML Item 9.4 City of Vincent Rebound Plan During discussion of Item 10.1 Waste Strategy Project at the Council meeting, the Mayor referred to information Elected Members had received regarding other Local Governments in Metropolitan Perth that do not provide a commercial service or charge for the service. This information is here
Agenda PDF
Agenda HTML
Attachment 1 to Item 12.1 Corporate Business Plan
Item 11.6 Adoption of Property Management Framework has been withdrawn by Administration.
Updated Attachment 1 to item 12.1 Corporate Business Plan 2020/21 - 2023/24
Minutes PDF
Minutes HTML
Item 9.4 City of Vincent Rebound Plan
During discussion of Item 10.1 Waste Strategy Project at the Council meeting, the Mayor referred to information Elected Members had received regarding other Local Governments in Metropolitan Perth that do not provide a commercial service or charge for the service. This information is here