Diana MacTiernan

Candidate for South Ward
Ward: South Ward  

I love living in Vincent and want to contribute to making it an even greater place for all of us.

My focus will be bringing people together to work through competing views: we need commonsense, common ground decisions that deliver for everyone.

Community open space is so important in our inner-city suburbs - it connects community, provides for clean air, recreation and vibrant exercise. My long involvement with netball, junior football and women's soccer also shows me the need for facilities particularly for junior and women's sport.

We need more green in our streets and I want to work with you to identify opportunities to increase plantings to cool our suburbs.

I have the time and experience to ensure services provided by the City are delivered efficiently and fairly. My work role in corporate executive gives me the skills needed in strategic and financial oversight.

By listening respectively to all voices in the community, we can achieve great things for Vincent.

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