Vincent wins 10 Year Waterwise Council award

Published on Thursday, 9 May 2024 at 2:10:00 PM

The City of Vincent has achieved Gold Waterwise Council status for the 10th year in a row.

At the recent annual Waterwise Recognition Event, hosted by the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation and Water Corporation, Vincent received a 10 Year Waterwise Council award.

The Waterwise Council Program supports local governments to improve water efficiency and adopt waterwise practices in their operations and communities.

In conjunction with building waterwise communities, it recognises how Waterwise Councils are leading by example and inspiring residents to save water.

Gold Waterwise Council status indicates that Vincent demonstrates significant contribution towards developing waterwise communities and best practice water management and has a best practice waterwise verge policy, a water management team and a waterwise-endorsed aquatic centre in Beatty Park.

Beatty Park outdoor pool.

Key water saving statistics and initiatives in 22/23 included:

  • Reduction in potable corporate water from 69.418KL in 21/22 to 66,559KL.
  • Reduction in potable community water from 3,834,844KL in 21/22 to 3,150,788KL in 22/23.
  • Reduction in total potable water (corporate and community use) from 3,894,262KL in 21/22 to 3,217,347KL in 22/23.
  • Reduction in non-potable corporate ground water from 608,512KL in 21/22 to 585,702KL in 22/23. This is the result of irrigation systems that were upgraded at two sports grounds combined with an improved turf fertiliser program and turf maintenance practices.
  • Reduction in scheme water use at the Loftus Centre (Admin, Library, Community Centre and Recreation Centre) from 5180KL in 21/22 to 2441KL in 22/23. This is a result of reduced watering programs and revised plant selection include more native and waterwise plantings.
  • Complete eco-zoning project and held a planting day at Charles Veryard Reserve, North Perth.
  • Held two Native Plant Sales. 

Through the waterwise program, Vincent received several benefits such as free waterwise training for staff, data loggers to help with leak detection, educational materials and opportunities to participate in liveability projects and trials.

The program is also aligned with the City of Vincent Sustainable Environment Strategy 2019-2024 which includes outcomes such as reducing scheme and groundwater usage and increasing water capture and reuse.

For information, visit the Water Corporation’s website.



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