Vincent embraces NAIDOC Week theme Get Up! Stand Up! Show Up!

Published on Wednesday, 29 June 2022 at 1:40:00 PM

The City of Vincent is aiming to stand up by increasing its Aboriginal procurement and employment to 3 per cent as part of its draft Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan 2022-2024.

Vincent has worked with its Bridyas Elders Group and Reconciliation Action Plan Working Group to develop the draft plan.

Council endorsed the draft plan, which is Vincent’s third RAP, for community consultation at the 21 June Ordinary Council Meeting.

It includes a range of actions focused around the framework of relationships, respect and opportunities with and for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

The draft plan is available for viewing at Vincent’s NAIDOC Week celebrations from 3 to 10 July, and on request at our Customer Service Centre and Library.

Mayor Emma Cole said the draft plan reflected this year’s NAIDOC Week theme – Get Up! Stand Up! Show Up! - which was about making a real commitment to systemic change.

“We’ve taken some really important steps forward in progressing our path to reconciliation in Vincent and our work with the Bridya Elders has been central to this," she said.

"We’re very thankful to have built strong relationships through regular meetings and meaningful engagement with the Bridyas, which has been key to our new draft Reconciliation Action Plan and the priorities within it.

“We are building on the success of our previous plans and we will continue to work closely with Aboriginal stakeholders, businesses and organisations to achieve greater opportunities for Aboriginal people.

“We aim to increase both our Aboriginal procurement and employment to 3 per cent: a foundation from which to grow.

“We recognise that our borders have little meaning to Aboriginal people, with Whadjuk Noongar lands extending well beyond Vincent, and we will work together with neighbouring local governments on projects that will help build important connections and advance our shared paths to reconciliation.

“Vincent Council and staff members, together with our Bridyas and RAP Working Group, have furthered this reconciliation vision and we believe can achieve great things when we are talking and walking together.”

Bushtucker. Artwork: Charmaine Cole.

After facing COVID-19 disruptions last year, Vincent is running free events and workshops from 3 to 10 July.

Workshop facilitators include Jonathan Ford from Kambarang Services, Noongar language teacher and Whadjuk Noongar woman Sharon Gregory, Yarns R Us chief yarning officer Ron Bradfield, Wardandi Bibbulmun woman Dale Tilbrook and Marissa Verma of Bindi Bindi Dreaming.

Vincent is also holding a family-friendly NAIDOC Celebrations event at the Holmes à Court Gallery in the Pickle District on 9 July, from 4pm.

The event will feature live music from duo Gina Williams Guy Ghouse, soloist Kobi Morrison, artwork with Julianne Wade and a projection of Charmaine Cole’s artwork on the walls of the gallery.

The RAP Working Group and Bridyas have been invited to share yarns and celebrate NAIDOC Week at the events.

Ms Cole said she was excited to see several new workshops being held this year.

“We have listened to community feedback and have scheduled events at various hours during the week and on the weekend so that more people can attend multiple events throughout the week,” she said.

“We also have a number of events online to ensure they are accessible and to avoid the risk of cancelling events due to COVID-19.”

The public can also read the draft Innovate RAP on our Imagine Vincent consultation website and provide your thoughts by 5pm Wednesday 13 July 2022.

We acknowledge and pay our respects to Bridya Elders:

Ben Taylor, Margaret Colbung, Albert and Irene McNamara, Muriel Bowie, Rose Walley, Cheryl Martin, Cyril Yarran and Rodney Cox.

We acknowledge City of Vincent RAP Working Group Community Members:

Gordon Cole, Maxine Brahim, Roslyn Harley, Kobi Morrison and former member Mikayla King.

List of events and workshops

-           Cultural Awareness Training with Jonathan Ford: 5 July, 9.30am – 1.30pm, Vincent Community Centre

-           Aboriginal Art and Dreamtime with Dale Tilbrook: 6 July, 10am – 11am, Vincent Library

-           Yarns R Us with Ron Bradfield: 7 July, 6pm – 7pm, Vincent Library

-           Aboriginal Warriors with Marissa Verma: 8 July, 12pm – 1pm, online event

-           Noongar Language Classes with Sharon Gregory: 8 July, 3.30pm – 4.30pm, Vincent Library

-           Naidoc Celebrations: 9 July, 3pm onwards, Holmes à Court Gallery, Pickle District


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