Draft Local Planning Policy: Development Guidelines for Heritage Places

Published on Thursday, 27 June 2024 at 3:29:53 PM

At the 13 February 2024 Ordinary Meeting of Council, Council endorsed the Policy for advertising.

In response to feedback received during the consultation period, the draft Policy has been amended. Amendments include:

  • New requirements for mixed use and non-residential heritage places;
  • Additional scope on development requirements for places adjoining heritage places; and
  • Guiding diagrams.

The following documents are available for viewing on the documents tab:

  • a clean copy of the draft Local Planning Policy: Development Guidelines for Heritage Places;
  • a tracked change copy;
  • the copy which was originally advertised; and
  • the existing Policy No.7.6.1.

To have your say, head to Imagine Vincent. Feedback closes 4pm Friday 19 July 2024

18 June Council Determination:

At the 18 June 2024 Ordinary Meeting of Council, Council resolved to:

Amend the following amended policies

  • Local Planning Policy: Assessing Cultural Heritage Significance
  • Local Planning Policy: Interpretation of Heritage Places; and
  • Local Planning Policy: Amending the Local Heritage Survey, Heritage List and Designating Heritage Areas

At the same meeting, Council endorsed the revocation of the following policies:

  • Policy No. 7.6.6 – Heritage Management – The Heritage List (Municipal Heritage Inventory);
  • Policy No. 7.6.7 – Heritage Management – Municipal Heritage Inventory Incentives and Development Bonuses; and
  • Policy No. 7.6.8 – Heritage Management – Dealing with Enquiries Regarding the Heritage Status of Properties.

The revocation of Policy No.7.6.9 Heritage Assistance Fund has been deferred and will be presented to Council as part of the review of the Community Funding Policy(External link).

Minutes from the Council Meeting can be found here(External link).

For more information, please contact the Urban Design & Strategic Projects team on 9273 6000.

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