Consultation begins on potential Hyde Park kiosk

Published on Monday, 8 March 2021 at 4:50:09 PM

The City of Vincent is inviting community members to join the conversation about whether an unused storage shed in Hyde Park should be transformed into a permanent new kiosk.

At the western end of Hyde Park, near the water playground, is a 32m2 brick shed that is currently used for non-essential storage space.

The building is due for a renovation in the next financial year and the City is considering transforming it into a permanent kiosk and handing the keys to a commercial operator.

“It’s time to have a conversation about how we want to enjoy Hyde Park into the future and what food and drink options we want on offer at the park, if at all,” said Mayor Emma Cole.

“For many people – from those who are enjoying a picnic to parents watching their children playing in the water playground – food and coffee are a big part of the park experience.

“Hyde Park has a reputation as one of Perth’s most beautiful parks and we want to make sure it keeps bringing back visitors and locals alike.

“We’re asking people if they want to see a permanent kiosk in the park and if so, whether they want to see this in addition to, or as an alternative to, food trucks.

“We’re also asking for feedback on what kind of healthy food options could be provided at the potential kiosk and by food trucks in the park.”

The City’s Public Health Plan includes a goal of increasing healthy food options in public spaces and at events.

Currently a maximum of three food trucks can set up in Hyde Park between 7am and 9pm every day of the week.

To find out more or to have your say on the potential kiosk, visit

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