Vibrant Public Space Application Form #8 and #9 - Pop-up Parklet and Pop-up Eatlet


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Your business details

Your details

Nature of your proposal

Do you intend on applying for a liquor licence for the space?*This field is required.

Documents upload

Please attach documents related to your application that provide the following:

Design plan

Please attach a document that provides the following detail:

  • Type, colour and finish of materials that will be used.
  • Measurements (height, length, width, depth) of all structures. Please note: Furniture in the Pop-up Parklet or Eatlet (benches, seats, tables, planter boxes and the like) shall be no more than 900mm in height and 1,500mm in length. Umbrellas and the like shall have a minimum clearance of 2,400mm from the finished ground level to the lowest part of the umbrella canopy. The Pop-up Parklet or Eatlet must incorporate furniture for the community to sit on and incorporate a minimum of 5% living green planting. Non-slip unfixed temporary surface materials , such as astroturf , may be applied to the existing ground surface.
  • Details of the delineated barriers (e.g. picket fence, planter boxes). Please note: Pop-up Parklets and Eatlets located where a road closure is not in place must be accessible from the adjoining footpath via an minimum 1500mm wide unobstructed section. Barriers and positive edges must be above 900mm in height from the footpath.
  • Location of safety materials to be installed around the Pop-up Parklet or Eatlet. Please note: Pop-up Parklets and Eatlets located where a road closure is not in place must include the following safety materials: soft hit posts, t-top bollards or 750mm road safety cones on each roadside corner; wheel stops at each end that adjoins a car bay; and rated barriers at each end as specified by the City.

Max File Size: 10.00 MB
Allowed File Types: .avi, .doc, .docx, .gif, .jpeg, .jpg, .mov, .mp3, .mp4, .mpeg, .mpg, .pdf, .png, .ppt, .pptx, .xls, .xlsx
Please attach a location plan or marked up aerial image that provides the following:

Site plan

Please attach a site plan or marked up aerial image that provides the following detail:

  • Location of the Pop-up Parklet or Eatlet on the existing ground surface of a car bay. Please note: Pop-up Parklets and Eatlets shall only be permitted on roads where the speed limit does not exceed 40km/h, or on 50km/h toads where traffic calming is in place; are not permitted in car bays that service public transport, on-demand transport, service vehicles or people with disabilities; and shall generally be setback at least one car park space from a corner. Pop-up Parklets and Eatlets must not impede pedestrian, cyclist or vehicle movement and sightlines, or impede emergency vehicle movement.
  • Buffer distances from adjacent parking spaces, roadside outer edge of the parking space. Please note: Pop-up Parklets and Eatlets shall have a minimum buffer of 1500mm between outer edge of adjacent parking spaces and a minimum buffer distance of approximately 300mm from the roadside outer edge of the parking space.
  • Location of any service pits, street furniture and/or street trees or planting and the distance to the Pop-up Parklet or Eatlet. Please note: weighted furniture must be located a minimum of 600mm from any service pit and a minimum of 500mm from existing street trees and planting, to ensure the health of the tree or planting. Existing street trees, planting and street furniture shall no be removed or relocated to accommodate the Pop-up Parklet or Eatlet.

Max File Size: 10.00 MB
Allowed File Types: .avi, .doc, .docx, .gif, .jpeg, .jpg, .mov, .mp3, .mp4, .mpeg, .mpg, .pdf, .png, .ppt, .pptx, .xls, .xlsx


I acknowledge:

I acknowledge:

  • Business logos, advertising, other branding, and reserved signs are prohibited in Vibrant Public Spaces.
  • Pop-up Parklets and Eatlets must incorporate Vibrant Public Space signage. The signage will be supplied by the City of Vincent and is to be installed by the applicant.
  • Pop-up Parklets and Eatlets must be able to removed within a 24 hour period without damage to the footpath, verge of any surrounding service pits.
  • Pop-up Parklet and Eatlet furniture shall be freestanding and removed at the close of each business day or weighted to the satisfaction of the City.
I acknowledge:*This field is required.

Validate and Submit Form

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