Event Application

Contact Details

Contact Details

Is your organisation a not-for-profit entity?

Event Details

Event Details

Is your event free?

Health Services

Health Services

More details may be required, or an additional application is needed.

Are you selling food?
Are you selling or consuming alcohol?
Will there be any temporary structures installed, such as fencing, marquees, staging etc.?
Will there be any noise creating devices, speakers, live bands etc.?
Will there be fireworks or pyrotechnics?
Will there be any temporary electrics installed, i.e., generators?
Do you have Public Liability Insurance?
Do you have emergency evacuation procedures in place?
All concerts and events approved by the City are to be ‘smoke and vape-free events’ and must not endorse advertising from tobacco companies. The applicant/promoter must ensure that crowd controllers and event staff enforce a strict ‘no smoking’ policy within the boundaries of both indoor and outdoor concerts and events.*This field is required.

Venue Details

Venue Details

Have you made an online tentative booking?

Parks Operations

Parks Operations

Will tent pegs be driven into the ground?
Do you require lighting?
Will heavy vehicles or trucks be entering the park?

Traffic Operations

Traffic Operations

More details may be required, or an additional application is needed.

Do you require road closures?
Will you require temporary carparking?
Will you require carpark closures?

Waste Management

Waste Management

Will your event generate rubbish?
Will your event promote recycling?
Will you remove all rubbish using private arrangements?

Accessible Requirements

Accessible Requirements

Will there be designated accessible parking?
Is there accessible public transport close by?
Will there be accessible public toilets?

Emergency Service and Security

Emergency Service and Security

Please advise which emergency services have been notified:

Fire Services

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