Unstoppable - sports, art and fun for all abilities

Unstoppable - sports, art and fun for all abilities

To celebrate Youth Week the City of Vincent is hosting the Unstoppable event – an all-abilities youth day at Braithewaite Park.

Get creative with arts and crafts, groove on with a silent disco, kick on with sports for all abilities, speak with service providers or just enjoy the vibe.

An Auslan interpreter will be available at the event.

While most activities will be best suited to ages 10-18, everyone is welcome along.

Photographs and videos may be taken of the event. Please book one ticket for each person attending. 

Please be advised that children under the age of 13 must attend and be supervised an adult.

Register your attendance today! For any queries including further information on accessibility, please contact the Community Development team at [email protected] or call 9273 6000.

10.30am - 1.30pm

Wednesday 16 April 2025

Braithewaite Park - Scarborough Beach Road MOUNT HAWTHORN


Category: Youth Week

Young people & teens

9273 6000

Position: Community Development

Email: [email protected]

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