Local Planning Strategy & Scheme
All local governments in Western Australia are required to have a Local Planning Strategy and Scheme. The Strategy sets out the long term land use planning direction and vision for the City while the Scheme sets out the rules for development in the City that align with this direction and vision. The Local Planning Scheme maps provide the land zoning, which in turn indicates the type of uses that may be possible in each particular area.
Local Planning Scheme No. 2 and Local Planning Strategy
Our new and modern Scheme determines land uses, densities and a clear vision for future development in Vincent. It strikes the right balance by protecting our residential neighbourhoods and leafy streets and parks, whilst encouraging sensitive, higher density development in our town centres and along major roads.
Our community expressed a strong desire to maintain the unique and highly valued fabric of Vincent’s established residential areas, and this has been achieved through maintaining lower residential densities.
Our town centres and main roads will provide opportunities for urban infill, and to meet density targets set by the State Government, with the benefit of more vibrancy and activity in these important local economic centres.
We will see Claisebrook shine brighter, with an incredible future ahead as a transit oriented, inner city hub for both residents and businesses. Claisebrook has long been impacted by the existence of two concrete batching plants. The new Scheme requires the wind down of concrete production by 2024, shifting the focus to high density mixed use development with the potential to deliver more homes than a new outer suburban residential estate.
The Local Planning Scheme is to be read in conjunction with the Metropolitan Region Scheme Text and Maps. For further information please contact the City’s Development Services on 9273 6000.
Local Planning Scheme No. 2 and Local Planning Strategy
Update August 2022
The Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015 (Part 6, Division 1, Regulation 65) requires the City of Vincent to review its current Scheme and Strategy every 5 years. To fulfil Regulation 66 (1), Council considered a review report on 17 May 2022 and resolved to recommend to the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) that the City of Vincent’s Scheme and Strategy were satisfactory, subject to some amendments.
The WAPC subsequently considered the review report and resolved that both the Strategy and Scheme will requirement amendments and updating.
Pursuant to regulation 67 (2), the City hereby publishes the review report and the Commission's decision with hardcopies available for viewing at the City’s Office at 244 Vincent Street, Leederville.
Official Scheme Text, Maps and Local Planning Strategy
Local Planning Scheme No.2
Local Planning Strategy
IntraMaps - Interactive Scheme Maps
Town Planning Scheme No. 1 (Repealed)
WAPC Review of City of Vincent
City of Vincent Report of Review Local Planning Scheme and Strategy
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a local planning scheme?
A local planning scheme is a legal document that sets the zoning and residential density of land and controls what types of uses can occur where. It includes the Scheme Text and Maps. Town planning decisions in the City of Vincent are made under the local planning scheme.
What is a local planning strategy?
A local planning strategy sets out the long term land use planning direction and vision for the City of Vincent. It addresses key land use topics that are relevant for the City such as housing, urban design, heritage, employment and transport.
When did Local Planning Scheme No. 2 take effect?
Local Planning Scheme No. 2 came into effect on 16 May 2018.
What will happen to the existing Town Planning Scheme No. 1?
Town Planning Scheme No. 1 automatically stopped applying when Local Planning Scheme No. 2 was published in the Gazette on 16 May 2018.
Was the community consulted on the scheme?
In 2014, we held information sessions in each suburb of Vincent and received 183 submissions and comments from the community. An additional period of consultation was undertaken towards the end of 2014 where 51 more submissions were received.
Each submission was carefully considered by Council at its meeting of 18 November 2014, before the Scheme was sent to the State Government for approval.
What will the new Strategy and Scheme mean for the City?
The new Strategy and Scheme will result in a few key changes from the type of development that currently exists in the City of Vincent.
- Medium and higher density development will be allowed along the City’s major roads, high frequency bus routes and in our town centres (provided that the development gets the relevant approvals). This includes along:
- Scarborough Beach Road;
- Glendalough;
- Oxford Street;
- London Street;
- Charles Street;
- Fitzgerald Street;
- William Street;
- Beaufort Street;
- Lord Street; and
- East Parade.
- Our established low density residential areas in Mount Hawthorn, Mount Lawley and North Perth will remain this way, with some additions, extensions, rebuilds and renovations allowed for (provided that they get the relevant approvals).
- The permitted land uses in each area of the City have expanded making it simpler for businesses to change. As more land uses are permitted in each zone, the need for planning approval in change of use applications will decrease;
- The Claisebrook area has been rezoned to phase out the existing concrete batching plants and allow for medium to high density mixed use residential and commercial development. This will activate this area close to the Claisebrook Train Station and encourage future redevelopment.
- The Claisebrook area has been zoned to phase out the existing concrete batching plants and allow for medium to high density mixed use residential and commercial development. This will activate this area close to the Claisebrook Train Station and encourage future redevelopment.
- Parts of the Leederville Town Centre have be rezoned from Residential to Mixed Use to encourage higher density mixed use development and further activate the town centre.
How can I find out the zoning for my property?
Head to IntraMaps on our website here or view the pdf maps above to find out what your property is zoned.
What if I don’t like my new zone?
It is possible to change the zoning of your property through an Amendment to the Scheme. To find out how to do this head to the information page on our website here but be aware that there is a cost and timeframe associated with this.
How do I check if I can now develop my property?
The new Scheme will enable new development for a number of properties in the City, particularly along our major roads and in our town centres. To check if you can redevelop your property first check your zoning and lot size using IntraMaps on our website here or view the pdf maps above.
Do I have to redevelop?
No, you do not have to redevelop just because the new Scheme allows for it.
If I want to redevelop what do I need to do?
Check out the City’s checklists and information sheets available on our website here to find out more information about what you need to do.
Also, take a look at the City’s Policies, including the Built Form Policy, on our website here which provide the specific requirements that you will need to address is your proposal.
Where can I find more information about the Strategy, Scheme and what it means for me and my neighbourhood?
Hard copies of the strategy and scheme are also available for viewing at the City’s Library, Administration and Civic Centre and Beatty Park.
If you still have questions please feel free to contact one of our friendly Customer Service Officers or Urban Planners on 9273 6000 or [email protected] who can help you with your enquiry.