Scheme Amendments
The Local Planning Scheme No. 2 (Scheme) maps show the classification of land (either as a reserve or a particular zone) within the City and the Scheme text prescribes the land uses which may or may not be permitted in the various zones via the Zoning Table.
For Residential zoned land, the Residential density prescribed on the Scheme Maps and the Residential Design Codes of Western Australian (Table 1 and Table 4) determines the number of dwellings permitted for an individual site.
Check the zoning of your property by viewing the City's Intramaps system.
Amendment to the Scheme Text and Maps
If an amendment is required to the Scheme Text or Maps, a Scheme Amendment must be undertaken in accordance with the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015. The Scheme amendment process is to be initiated by the Council. Consultation is undertaken, particularly with the affected land owners and government agencies. Any amendments to the Scheme are to be approved by the Minister for Planning.
Requests to Change Zonings
Land owners can request a change in zoning, however this is not encouraged on an individual basis. Rezonings can be considered as part of the Local Planning Scheme Review or an individual case by case basis as required. The request will be considered and the land owner will be notified of the City's decision.
Should you wish to request a change to your zoning, you must put the request in writing to the City outlining the following:
- Affected property address
- Requested zoning and
- Justification of request.
The applicant will be required to cover the City's costs for assessing the application as well as any costs for justification reports required such as traffic assessments, environmental assessments, infrastructure studies and planning reports.
Please note that the City of Vincent does not generally support spot rezoning (the rezoning of one lot, particularly in the middle of a street block).
Further Information
9273 6000 or [email protected]