Past Council Meetings

15 December 2020

Tuesday, December 15, 2020 - 06:00 PM

Agenda PDF

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Item 11.1 - Annual Report Updated

Replacement pages 546 and 547- Item 11.1 Draft Annual Report. 

The Office of the Auditor General has made a minor amendment to the Auditors Opinion letter - removal of abbreviation of DLGSC.

Council Items:

Item 9.1 - Development Application and licence to locate fence within Gregson Street road reserve adjacent 76 Newcastle Street, Perth 

Item 9.2 - Development Application and licence for permanent alfresco structure in road reserve adjacent 404-406 Oxford Street, Mount Hawthorn - has been withdrawn by Administration - see below details. 

Item 9.3 - 12 Florence Street, West Perth - Four Grouped Dwellings

Item 9.4 - 95-117 Egina Street, Mount Hawthorn - Proposed Signage

Item 9.5 - Northbridge Entertainment Precinct - Amendment No. 41 to City of Perth Planning Scheme

Item 9.6 - Vincent Rebound Plan quarterly update

Item 9.7 - Amendment of Parklet Policy

Item 9.8 - Beatty Park 2062 Project Update

Item 9.9 - Review of Prosecution and Enforcement Policy

Item 10.1 - Tender - Traffic Management Service

Item 10.2 - Asset Management and Sustainability Strategy

Item 10.3 - North Perth Traffic Report

Item 10.4 - Safe Active Streets - Florence Strathcona Golding Project

Item 10.5 - Urban Road Safety Pilot - Implementation of Mini Roundabouts

Item 10.7 Tender IE99-2020 - Beatty Park Indoor Leisure Centre Indoor Leisure Pool Filter Plant Replacement (and associated works)

Item 10.8 Tender IE103-2020 - Beatty Park Indoor Leisure Centre 25m and Leisure Pool Retiling - Appointment of Successful

Item 11.1 - Draft Annual Report 2019/20

Item 11.2 - Surrender of Lease to North Perth Playgroup, 15 Haynes Street

Item 11.3 - Advertising of amendment to Community Funding Policy

Item 11.4 - Review of Library Policies

Item 11.5 - Support for the Uluru Statement from the Heart

Item 11.6 - Authorisation of expenditure October 2020

Item 11.7 - Investment Report as at 31 October 2020

Item 11.8 - Financial Statements as at 31 October 2020

Item 12.1 - Council Briefing and Meeting Dates for 2020

Item 12.2 - Adoption of new policy - Policy Development and Review Policy 

Item 12.3 - Report And Minutes Of The Audit Committee Meeting Held On 1 December 2020

Item 12.4 - Council Recess Period 2020-2021 Delegated Authority to the CEO

Item 12.5 - Information Bulletin - to be provided Monday

Item 17.1 - Mindarie Regional Council Strategy and Future Options - Confidential 

Item 9.2 has been withdrawn by Administration as there is not currently a valid Development Application to be determined. Administration is liaising with the “landowner”, the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage, in respect to the proposal, and will present a report to Council in early 2021 in respect to the licence. If the licence is approved by Council the Development Application can be signed and assessed by Planning.  

Minutes PDF

Attachment to amendment 1 - Item 10.2

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8 December 2020

Tuesday, December 8, 2020 - 06:00 PM

Combined Agenda PDF

This agenda replaces the previous agenda and includes all the late items and replacement pages.

Items 5.1 and 5.2  – minor amendments made to the “Proposal” section of both reports to clarify the ownership of the road reserve (owned by the State of Western Australia, the City has care, control and management) and that the development application must be signed by the Minister for Lands, not the City.   

Item 5.5 – Applicant has requested that this item is deferred to allow the Applicant time to address Administration’s concerns.

Item 7.2 – added to the recommendation request for Council to authorise the CEO and Mayor to sign the Surrender of Lease.

Items 5.9 and 6.2 – The Asset Management and Sustainability Strategy 2020-2030 has been updated and reattached to these items.

Agenda HTML

LATE:  Attachment 5 to Item 6.5 Safe Active Streets - Florence - Strathcona - Golding Project

Additional Item 8.5 - Council Recess Period 2020-2021 Delegated Authority to the CEO

Replacement pages 769 - 777 Item 8.4  Progress Report - Reports to be Actioned - Information Bulletin Item for Council Agenda

LATE Item 8.3 Report And Minutes Of The Audit Committee Meeting Held On 1 December 2020

Item 6.6 Replacement page 448  Urban Road Safety Program Pilot - Implementation of Mini Roundabouts

Item 6.6 was updated as Main Roads has provided the City with updated information.

LATE Item 6.4 Leederville Laneway Upgrade

LATE Item 6.7 Tender IE99-2020 - Beatty Park Indoor Leisure Centre Indoor Leisure Pool Filter Plant Replacement (and associated works)

LATE Item 6.8 Tender IE103-2020 - Beatty Park Indoor Leisure Centre 25m and Leisure Pool Retiling - Appointment of Successful

Updated Contents page - as Late Item 6.7 is an Absolute Majority

Item 5.1 Attachment 3 - Proposed Development Plans - Gregson Street Road Reserve

Item 5.2  404-406 Oxford Street Mount Hawthorn - Attachment 3 - Proposed Development Plans

Item 5.3 Attachment 2 - 12 Florence Street - Development Plans

Item 5.4  95-117 Egina Street, Mount Hawthorn - Attachment 2 - Development Plans

Item 5.5 104 Eton Street, North Perth - Attachment 2 - Development Plans

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1 December 2020

Tuesday, December 1, 2020 - 01:00 PM



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3 November 2020

Tuesday, November 3, 2020 - 01:00 PM



Arts Relief Grants Presentation - Item 7.3 COVID-19 Monthly Update

With regards to Cr Gontaszewski’s question on 7.1 Tenant Application for Financial Assistance - Western Australian Swimming Association Inc,  The Executive Director Community & Business Services advised that:

For Category 1 and 2 tenants,  the City has budgeted to waive the leasing fees from July-September 2020.  The budgeted amount is $7,107.84 and this reflects the actuals. 

 Regarding Category 3 tenants the City has budgeted for a waiver from July to September 2020, an amount of $104,869.   However, the actual waivers for this period are $22,000, as most of the debtors in this category did not qualify for a waiver.  The City has maintained the conservative approach in the first quarterly budget and has not amended the waiver amount.  Most of the debtors are up to date with their debt, except for Perth Soccer Club.  In accordance with the Commercial Tenancies(COVID-19 Response)Regulation 2020 we are unable to commence debt collection on outstanding amounts until March 2021.

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13 October 2020

Tuesday, October 13, 2020 - 06:00 PM

Agenda PDF

Agenda HTML

Please note that Item 6.1 - Update on Homelessness Support has been retitled and is now attached as Manna Inc Meal Service at Weld Square

Please note that Item 8.8 - Appointment Of Community Member To The City Of Vincent Audit Committee will be presented to the Council Meeting on 20 October 2020 to allow Administration time to evaluate the applications.

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6 October 2020

Tuesday, October 6, 2020 - 01:00 PM



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15 September 2020

Tuesday, September 15, 2020 - 06:00 PM

Agenda PDF

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Attachment 1 to Item 12.1 Corporate Business Plan

Item 11.6 Adoption of Property Management Framework has been withdrawn by Administration. 

Updated Attachment 1 to item 12.1 Corporate Business Plan 2020/21 - 2023/24

Minutes PDF

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Item 9.4 City of Vincent Rebound Plan

During discussion of Item 10.1 Waste Strategy Project at the Council meeting, the Mayor referred to information Elected Members had received regarding other Local Governments in Metropolitan Perth that do not provide a commercial service or charge for the service.   This information is here


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