17 May 2022

Tuesday, May 17, 2022





Council Briefing Notes

1        Declaration of Opening / Acknowledgement of Country

2        Apologies / Members on Leave of Absence

3(A)   Public Question Time and Receiving of Public Statements 

3(B)  Response to Previous Public Questions Taken on Notice

4        Applications for Leave of Absence

5        The Receiving of Petitions, Deputations and Presentations

6        Confirmation of Minutes

7        Announcements by the Presiding Member (Without Discussion)

8        Declarations of Interest 

8.1    Cr Jonathan Hallett declared a proximity interest in Item 8.8 Vincent Underground Power Project (VUPP).  The extent of his interest is that his partner’s property is within the Project Zone.  This is an interest in common with a significant number of ratepayers covering an estimated 5,336 electricity service meters to properties in the City of Vincent. The report identifies that underground power may provide an estimated increase in property value of approximately $12,000 per residential property. He is seeking approval to participate in debate and vote in the matter.

 8.2          Cr Suzanne Worner declared a proximity interest in Item 8.8 Vincent Underground Power Project (VUPP).  The extent of her interest is that her property is within the Project Zone.  This is an interest in common with a significant number of ratepayers covering an estimated 5,336 electricity service meters to properties in the City of Vincent. The report identifies that underground power may provide an estimated increase in property value of approximately $12,000 per residential property. She is seeking approval to participate in debate and vote in the matter.

 8.3         Cr Ron Alexander declared a proximity interest in Item 8.8 Vincent Underground Power Project (VUPP).  The extent of his interest is that his property is within the Project Zone.  This is an interest in common with a significant number of ratepayers covering an estimated 5,336 electricity service meters to properties in the City of Vincent.  The report identifies that underground power may provide an estimated increase in property value of approximately $12,000 per residential property. He is seeking approval to participate in debate and vote in the matter.

 8.4          Cr Ashley Wallace declared a proximity interest in Item 8.8 Vincent Underground Power Project (VUPP).  The extent of his interest is that his property is within the Project Zone.  This is an interest in common with a significant number of ratepayers covering an estimated 5,336 electricity service meters to properties in the City of Vincent.  The report identifies that underground power may provide an estimated increase in property value of approximately $12,000 per residential property. He is seeking approval to participate in debate and vote in the matter.

8.5        David MacLennan, CEO declared an impartiality interest in Item 11.1 Appointment of the Design Review Panel.  The extent of his interest is that he knows one of the applicants through his involvement in AUDRC – including through his position as AUDRC Chair. He was not involved in the assessment process for the DRP applicants.

8.6          Cr Susan Gontaszewski declared a proximity interest in Item 7.5 Advertising of new policy - Sportsground Allocation - Use and Hire Policy.  The extent of her interest is a section of her property is directly opposite one of the parks mentioned in the policy.   She is not seeking approval to participate in debate and vote in the matter.

8.7  Mayor Emma Cole declared an impartiality interest in Item 17.1 Appointment of the Design Review Panel.  The extent of her interest is that she is a personal acquaintance of one of the nominees.  

9        Strategy and Development

9.1   Nos. 596-598 (Lot: 116; D/P: 2360) Newcastle Street, West Perth - Proposed Amendment to Previous Approval: Billboard Signs (Unlisted Use)

9.2    Local Planning Strategy and Scheme Report of Review and Amendment No. 10 to the Local Planning Scheme

9.3    Accessible City Strategy - Implementation Update

9.4    Sale of No. 25 (Lot 93) Sydney Street, North Perth

10       Infrastructure & Environment

10.1    Waste Strategy 8 - Commercial Waste Collections (Update)

10.2    Tender IE164/2021 Menzies Park Pavilion and Ablutions Refurbishment

11       Community and Business Services

11.1    IInvestment Report as at 31 March 2022

11.2    Financial Statements as at 31 March 2022

11.3    Authorisation of Expenditure for the Period 1 March 2022 to 31 March 2022

11.4    Terms of Reference - Children and Young People Advisory Group

11.5    Advertising of new policy - Sportsground Allocation - Use and Hire Policy - WITHDRAWN BY ADMINISTRATION

11.6    Draft Access and Inclusion Plan 2022-2027 - Approval for Public Consultation

12       Chief Executive Officer

12.1    Annual Review of Council Delegations

12.2    Approval to Advertise Draft Local Government Property Amendment Local Law 2022

12.3    Outcome of Advertising new Temporary Employment or Appointment of CEO Policy

12.4    Outcome of Advertising Amended Council Members – Allowances, Fees and Reimbursement of Expenses Policy and Proposed Repeal of Civic Functions Policy

12.5    Proposed Repeal of Local Government Elections Policy

12.6    Outcome of Advertising amended Council Members Continuing Professional Development Policy

12.7    Advertising of Amended Policy - Council Member Contact with Developers

12.8    Vincent Underground Power Project (VUPP) - Updated

12.9    Information Bulletin

12.10  Report and Minutes of the Audit Committee Meeting held on 3 May 2022

12.11  Appointment of a CEO Performance Review Consultant (late addition)

13      Motions of Which Previous Notice Has Been Given 

14      Questions by Members of Which Due Notice Has Been Given (Without Discussion)

15      Representation on Committees and Public Bodies 

16     Urgent Business

17     Confidential Items/Matters For Which The Meeting May Be Closed

17.1   Appointment of the Design Review Panel

18     Closure 

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