Council Meetings
Council Meetings and Briefings are again held in the Council Chamber located upstairs in the City of Vincent Administration and Civic Centre. You can also continue to watch our meetings and briefings online. For live streaming details please see link below.
Public questions and statements can be asked in person during public question time, limited to a maximum of 3 minutes. Please state your full name, suburb and the agenda item you are speaking to. Alternatively, you can submit these in writing to [email protected] before 3pm on the day of the Briefing/Meeting. Provision for submission of questions by alternative communication method may be utilised by a person with disability, please contact the Governance team on 9273 6000 to discuss. Answers to questions asked at Council Briefing (that must relate to items on the agenda) will be raised and responded to during the meeting. If a question is not responded to a response (where possible) will be provided in the Briefing Notes or otherwise in the agenda for the following month. Answers to questions asked at the Ordinary Council Meeting will be included in the agenda for the following month. Please provide a postal or email address so that a written response can be provided by the City. Statements will not be read out.
Deputations must be requested by emailing [email protected] at least 24 hours before the meeting. Requests should include the length of time being sought and some justification for additional time (please note that deputations are not usually heard at Briefings). The Presiding Member will approve the deputation, and advise of the amount of time allocated.
About Council Meetings
Everything you need to know about council meetings, briefings and workshops.
Past and Upcoming Council Meetings
View minutes, agendas and recordings for all Council Meetings.
Live Streaming
View live streaming details for upcoming Council Meetings.