Blackford Street Reserve Eco-zoning

800m2 of grass area at Blackford Street Reserve has been converted into a native garden as part of the City of Vincent’s eco-zoning program. 

Recognising the significant amount of water required to maintain grassed areas, even those rarely used, the City introduced an eco-zoning program in 2011. Blackford Street Reserve is the 17th park to be upgraded as part of the program. 

Eco-zoned areas are designed to thrive with minimal maintenance. Plants and trees are carefully selected to suit local conditions. Once established the garden will be self-sufficient, requiring no irrigation or fertiliser.  

Areas around the edges of the reserve on the verge will be mulched and planted, while an adequate grassed space is retained community use. 

The City asked for community feedback on the eco-zoning of Blackford Street Reserve in March and April, including the opportunity to vote for their preferred plant species. Banksias, grevilia and eucalyptus were chosen as the most popular and will be included in the new eco-zoned space.  


Works were completed in May 2024Specific works include:

  • Marking up and spraying out grassed areas which will be turned into garden beds.
  • Excavating areas which will become new access paths.
  • Applying a thick layer of mulch in preparation for planting.
  • Planting new native garden beds.
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