Waste Minimisation Study 140L Bins
Are you interested in taking part in a 140L (green lid) garbage bin study to see if reducing the size of your bin makes an impact on waste going to landfill?
Eligible households will receive a one-off $40 payment. You must be an owner-occupier of a single dwelling to take part, this offer is limited and additional terms and conditions apply.
Data collected from this study, and other waste initiatives, will inform our 2017 – 2022 Waste Strategy and Action Plan, to move towards smarter waste management and a more sustainable City.
Waste Minimistation 140L Bin Application
Q. Can I keep my new smaller 140L bin after this financial year?
A. Residents within Vincent have always been able to request to swap to a smaller 140L bin. As such residents will be able to retain their 140L bin.
Q. What if I want to swap back to the bigger 240L bin once I have received my $40 payment and the smaller 140L bin?
A. On receiving the 140L bin this bin must be retained for the remainder of that financial year. If the resident wishes to exchange the 140L bin back to a 240L bin at any point during that financial year, residents may receive a repurposed 240L bin. If the resident wishes to receive a new 240L bin a re-administration fee of $75 will apply (This covers the cost of purchasing the bin and operations to exchange again).
Q. Is the $40 payment every year or only this financial year 2017/18?
A. The $40 payment to take on a smaller 140L garbage bin is part of a wider waste study by the City to investigate ways of minimising waste generation and waste sent to landfill. This initiative is currently only forecasted for this financial year, as such this will currently be a one-off payment.
Q. Will the $40 come off my rates?
A. The $40 is a one-off payment that is entirely separate to your rates payments. The cost of all Waste Services provided by the City is included within the rates. This means there is no “reduction” to your rates, the City is exploring how and if cost incentives to residents can help reduce waste to landfill in a sustainable way.
Q. Why is the City doing this project?
A. Vincent are looking at ways we can reduce household waste, especially waste going to landfill. Data collected from this study alongside a range of other waste initiatives, will inform our 2017 – 2022 Waste Strategy and Action Plan, to move towards smarter waste management and a more sustainable City.
Q. Will there be an opportunity to take part in this study and receive a smaller 140L bin with $40 payment next year?
A. The 140L $40 incentive study is to be undertaken during financial year 2017/18. This is to accompany a range of other waste initiatives that will be used to inform the Cities 2017 – 2022 Waste Strategy and Action Plan, currently being developed. The new Waste Plan is being developed to aid the City move towards smarter waste management solutions and practices, making a more sustainable City.
Q. Will I also receive a smaller recycling bin?
A. Bin sizes and what options should be available through Vincent is being taken into consideration as part of the wider study during the development of the 2017 – 2022 Waste Strategy and Action Plan. The City only currently offers a standard 240L sized recycling bin for single dwelling residents, other than in exceptional medical circumstances. Currently residents can opt to pay for a larger recycling bin, but the City doesn’t currently provide a smaller recycling bin.
Q. Are there larger recycling bins available?
A. Bin sizes and what options should be available through Vincent is being taken into consideration as part of the wider study during the development of the 2017 – 2022 Waste Strategy and Action Plan. The City only currently offers a standard 240L sized recycling bin for single dwelling residents, other than in exceptional medical circumstances. Currently residents can opt to pay for a larger recycling bin, but the City doesn’t currently provide a smaller recycling bin.
Q. Will the City also be giving out a third bin for green waste?
A. How we recover our waste and recycling; what we collect and what bins it is collected in is being taken into consideration as part of the wider study during the development of the 2017 – 2022 Waste Strategy and Action Plan.
The City currently provides a twice-a-year bulk verge greens only collection with the next collection scheduled for:
Area 5 (Friday usual bin day) = week beginning Monday 6th November
Area 4 (Thursday usual bin day) = week beginning Monday 13th November
Area 3 (Wednesday usual bin day) = week beginning Monday 20th November
Area 2 (Tuesday usual bin day) = week beginning Monday 27th November
Area 1 (Monday usual bin day) = week beginning Monday 4th December
The City also sends the landfill bins via a composting facility BEFORE it goes to landfill, so that any green or food organic waste placed in the “normal” green lid garbage bin, is removed for composting, before the rest of the waste is sent to landfill.
The City also provides support to the community with subsidised Composting and Worm farming waste solutions.