Parking management
The City of Vincent is working on improvements to the management of on-street parking within the City to benefit residents, visitors and local businesses.
Parking is reported to be a particular issue for residents living close to main roads and town centres.
One of the actions of the Accessible City Strategy is to better manage the supply of on-street parking through the implementation of various restrictions.
To fulfill this action, Vincent has introduced parking restrictions for visitors on a number of residential streets where residents can apply for parking e-permits.
The new parking restrictions will limit visitor parking to:
- 3P or less within two blocks of train stations or transit nodes
- 3P or less within one block of high frequency transit corridors
- 2P or less within two blocks of town centres or mixed-used areas
The proposed restrictions are in place to address commuter parking on residential streets. Whilst an issue may not currently exist on a particular street, the City of Vincent has implemented these restrictions in a bid to not move the commuter parking from one section to another.
Signage will be installed in residential areas.
E-permits are free of charge and involve no waiting periods or expiry dates. Visit
Useful links
Parking e-permits page
E-permit portal
Residential parking page
Accessible City Strategy - Outcomes of Advertising | Council Report May 2021
Council minutes May 2021
What was the consultation process of the Accessible City Strategy (ACS)?
The initial community consultation included a workshop and an online survey. From this we produced an initial snapshot of Vincent detailing the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for the Vincent transport network.
The draft ACS was advertised from 3 December 2020 to 19 February 2021. The purpose of the consultation was to gain feedback on whether the vision and objectives of the draft ACS aligned with community expectations, the level of importance the community placed on each action and whether anything has been missed.
The ACS was adopted by Council at its 18 May 2021 Ordinary Council Meeting.
Where will the signs/poles be located?
The City of Vincent is required to ensure signage is installed as per AS Australian Standards. Part of this requirement is that the distance between signage does not exceed 75 metres. Consideration can be given to verges that look like they are used for parking or are nicely landscaped. Where possible, the installation of the signage is placed as close as possible to the dividing line between properties.
Why is this happening?
The implementation of new parking restrictions are a result of action item 3.3.4 of the Accessible City Strategy.
How do I get an e-permit account?
If you have not received your letter with your activation code, contact Ranger Administration [email protected] or 9273 6000.
Do all my visitors need to be added to the e-permit account?
Yes, if they are staying longer than the time restriction. If you require additional temporary permits for an event, party etc., you can apply through your e-permit account.
Can I park on my verge without a permit?
Yes, you can park on your verge without a permit unless a No Parking on Verge sign applies.
Parking is not an issue on our street. Why are there these regulations?
The proposed restrictions are in place to address commuter parking on residential streets. Whilst an issue may not currently exist on a particular street, the City of Vincent has implemented these restrictions in a bid to not move the commuter parking from one section to another.