Vincent celebrates Wear it Purple Day

Published on Friday, 30 August 2024 at 2:23:00 PM

The LGBTIQA+ community members and allies joined together for an inclusive circuit workout at Beatty Park Leisure Centre to celebrate Wear it Purple Day.

The day is about creating empowering and inclusive environments for rainbow young people.

This year’s theme is Your Passion, Your Pride, which aims to celebrate LGBTIQA+ people who are achieving their dreams sport, art, science and other fields.

Participants wore purple fitness wear and followed a fitness instructor’s throwdown circuit style workout on 30 August.

After an exciting and interactive session, they enjoyed free healthy treats at the Beatty’s cafe.

Events like this is aligned with Vincent’s Diversity, Access and Inclusion Policy which aims to raise awareness and promote inclusion of the diversity of the community.

As part of the policy, Vincent is committed to ensuring services and activities are inclusive of all members of the community, including LGBTIQA+ people.


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