Application for Graffiti Removal Kit

Rapid removal remains the most effective way to reduce graffiti and helps to deter further incidents. It reduces the recognition craved by vandals and shows that the affected area is monitored and cared for. It also sends a message to vandals that there is an increased chance of getting caught.

These products remove graffiti vandalism from painted and smooth surfaces, or brick, stone and masonry surfaces.

Products are available whilst stocks last.

Please note that the City of Vincent requires applicants to provide a police report number for the incident(s) of graffiti vandalism on their property before submitting an application.

Graffiti vandalism is a damage offence and research shows that it is often linked to other crime and anti-social behaviour in the community. 

Reporting assists Police and the City of Vincent to capture evidence and data about incidents of vandalism in our community and also provides a database of intelligence that assists police to identify offenders.

The quickest way to make a report is through the Goodbye Graffiti website.

How to report graffiti vandalism


Have you previously received graffiti removal products through this program?*
All contact with chemicals, tools and personal safety are the responsibility of the person/s actioning graffiti removal. The City of Vincent accepts no responsibility for any injury or accident which may occur during graffiti removal activity.*

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