Application for a Filming Permit

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Will a Drone be used for the filming?
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Issuing of a permit will be subject to the following conditions:

  • 72 hours notice between Monday and Friday must be given prior to the operation due date.
  • The City is to be indemnified against any claim or action arising from the operation.
  • The movement of all path users, with or without disabilities, within the road reserve shall not be impeded during filming.
  • The area shall be maintained in a safe and trafficable condition and a continuous path of travel (minimum width of 1.5 metres) shall be maintained for all users at all times during filming.
  • Access to commercial properties and businesses is to be maintained at ALL times.
  • ALL affected householders/businesses are to be notified in writing by the applicant at least 12 hours prior to commencement of works.
  • The City reserves the right to amend the conditions of the permit and/or request immediate removal of the filming equipment without prior notice at anytime.
  • Existing kerbside “Clearway” & "No Stopping" restrictions to be adhered to at ALL TIMES.
  • Hours of work to comply with Environment Protection (Noise) Regulations 1997.
  • Any portable lighting will be directed away from the road, so as to not distract or impede motorists.
  • All vehicles are to be parked legally, i.e. away from an intersection, not facing contrary to the flow of traffic etc.
  • A copy of a current Certificate of Public Liability insurance, to the value of $10 Million is to be supplied.
  • No obstruction to pedestrian access, free of trip hazards, and if necessary a crew member should escort pedestrians through the work zone.
  • Members of the public are not to be filmed without their consent.
  • A permit to operate outside of normal working hours, must be obtained from the City of Vincent Health Services section prior to filming.
  • An outline and details of the script on filming is to be provided.
  • A copy of the correct CASA licences are to be supplied
  • Bollards and signs are required to maintain a 30m buffer zone around the launch site at all times.
  • Drone is not to be flown near road and any portable lighting is to be directed away from the road so as not to distract or impede motorists.
  • Drone operation to comply with CASA regulations.
  • The City reserves the right to request immediate removal of the drone/filming/photography equipment without prior notice at any time.
  • The City reserves the right to cancel the permit if the above conditions are not adhered to.
I have read and understood the conditions that may be imposed on the permit*This field is required.
I confirm all information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge, and understand that APPROVAL must be given prior to filming*This field is required.

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