Front fence

A front fence includes a wall, screen, barrier or the like located in the front setback area and/or abutting a street boundary.

What can I build?

The zoning of your property determines the type of front fence you can build. You may also like to check your Local Development Plan (LDP) or Detailed Area Plan (DAP) if applicable as the Developer may have set other restrictions.

Below are the different zones within the City of Vincent and their requirements relating to front fences.

Residential / Urban Development

A front fence in a residential zone can be 1.8m overall in height from natural ground level, however it must be visually permeable above 1.2m. This includes a fence constructed anywhere in front of the building line. Please refer to the Front Fences Information Sheet for more information about the planning requirements for fences in the front setback area or facing a street.

Where a fence exceeds 0.75m in height, it must incorporate a 1.5m x 1.5m visual truncation each side of any driveway.

On a corner lot without the standard street corner truncation, a front fence that exceeds 0.75m in height is not permitted within the 6m x 6m corner truncation area. Please see over the page for a diagram showing the above.

Under no circumstances is barbed wire or electric fencing permitted within the City of Vincent’s residential area.


Fences are not permitted to be erected forward of the building line on a commercial lot.


A fence erected within the street setback area shall be visually permeable above 1200mm and not exceed a height of 2400mm.

Metropolitan Redevelopment Authority (MRA)

If your property is located in a MRA zoned area, you will need to consult with the MRA to find out what type of fencing you are permitted to erect.

What is visually Permeable?

Visually permeable means the surface of a fence which has continuous vertical or horizontal gaps of at least 50mm width occupying not less than one third of its face in aggregate of the entire surface or where narrower than 50mm, occupying at least one half of the face in aggregate, as viewed directly from the street, or a surface offering equal or lesser obstruction to view.

Do I need a Building Permit for a front fence?

A building permit may be required for the construction, erection or placement of a front fence, if it not constructed in accordance with the City’s Fencing Local Law 2008.

  • All fences over 1800mm (all materials) in height will require a building permit prior to construction.
  • All masonry fences over 750mm in height require a building permit prior to construction.

If you wish to construct a fence that does not comply with the Fencing Local Law 2008 you can lodge an application to the City to vary the Fencing Local Law 2008. The application form will need to be completed, outlining your reason(s) as to why your proposed fence cannot be constructed in accordance with the Fencing Local Law 2008. A non-refundable fee is also payable at the time of lodgement.

For more information, refer to the City’s Fencing Local Law 2008 available on our Local Laws web page.

In some situations, a front fence may also be a dividing fence between properties. If this is the case, the Dividing Fences Act 1961 may apply, and therefore you may need to discuss your proposed fence with your neighbour.

For more information regarding Dividing Fences, refer to the Building Commission’s ‘Dividing Fences Guide’ booklet available on their website


If you would like to submit an application to build a front fence, you will need to include the following information in your application:

  • A complete BA1 (certified) or BA2 (uncertified) application form
    • Including all owner's details, construction materials and costings
    • Signed by a registered builder, including the builder's registration number or owner-builder approval where the value of works is greater than $20,000
    • Including all applicant's contact details

BA1 or BA2 application forms are available from the City's website, Building and Energy or from the front counter of the City's Library

  • A Certificate of Design Compliance (for certified applications only)

This must be issued by a registered Building Surveying Practitioner and include all documentation as referenced on the Certificate of Design Compliance

  • Payment of fees

Refer to the City's Fees and Charges for full fee details (here). Fee details are also available from the front counter of the City's Library

  • Building Construction Industry Training Fund (BCITF) levy payment form (for building works greater than $20,000)

Required in full and signed for works over $20,000 - refer to the City's Fees and Charges for details click (here).

  • Site plan drawn to scale (1:200), showing:
    • Location and dimensions of the proposed front fence
    • Location of all existing structures on the property
    • Measurement from the boundaries to the proposed front fence
    • Location of any septic tanks and leach drains (if applicable)
  • Elevation details (1:100)
    • Showing height of fence panels and piers
    • Location of any gates that swing inward to the property
    • Details of materials to be used 
  • Construction details drawn to scale (1:100), showing:
    • Cross-section details of piers and posts
    • Showing footing details and location
  • Structural Engineer's certification
    • Footing and pier engineering detail

More information

This information is intended as a guide only. The City disclaims any liability for damages sustained by a person acting on the basis of this information.

For more information, please contact the City's building services team on 9273 6000 or email [email protected].

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