Make a Complaint
Dealing With Complaints & Allegations
If a person has any complaint concerning the performance, ability, character or integrity of any Elected Member or Employee, or of any act or omission of an Elected Member or Employee, and desires to bring such complaint to the notice of the Council, he or she shall notify the Chief Executive Officer of the complaint, in writing and preferably be verified by a Statutory Declaration, as prescribed by the Oaths, Affidavits and Statutory Declarations Act 2005, giving such details as are available in order that the complaint may be investigated and, if necessary reported upon by the Chief Executive Officer.
The Council has appointed the Chief Executive Officer as the Complaints Officer.
- Any complaint about an Employee (other than the Chief Executive Officer) shall be dealt with administratively by the Chief Executive Officer.
- Any complaint about the Chief Executive Officer shall be in writing, preferably in the form of a Statutory Declaration and signed by the person or persons making the complaint and shall be addressed to the Mayor, with a copy to the Chief Executive Officer and will be dealt with as part of the performance review of the Chief Executive Officer, or as agreed by the Mayor and the Chief Executive Officer.
Elected Members, committee members and candidates
The Local Government (Model Code of Conduct) Regulations 2021, introduce a mandatory code of conduct for Elected Members, committee members and candidates. An alleged breach of the Model Code must be made in the approved Behaviour Code Complaint Form within 1 month after the occurrence of the alleged breach.
All complaints that result in finding under section 5.110(6)(b) that a minor breach has occurred are published in the City's Complaints Register.
Misconduct or corruption
Any serious complaint or one which alleges misconduct or corruption must be verified by a Statutory Declaration, as prescribed by the Oaths, Affidavits and Statutory Declarations Act 2005. You can submit a complaint concerning misconduct or corruption in writing via email [email protected] or complete our Complaint Online Form.
The complaint must be given in confidence and shall:
- identify the complainant and the person against whom the complaint is made;
- set out the details of the complaint, alleged breach of the Code of Conduct and/or legislation; and
- be in writing, or in the prescribed form and preferably verified by a Statutory Declaration, as prescribed by the Oaths, Affidavits and Statutory Declarations Act 2005.
Any person who has lodged a complaint, or any Elected Member or Employee against whom a complaint has been made, must keep confidential the complaint, until the complaint has been determined or finalised.
Public interest disclosure
A public interest disclosure (PID) occurs when a person provides information to a proper authority about a matter that is of public interest. This information must be about some past, present or proposed improper behaviour by a public body (public authority, public officer or public sector contractor) while carrying out a public function. A disclosure must relate to a matter of public interest and show wrongdoing by a public body when performing a public function.
Further information concerning public interest disclosures can be found on the Public Interest Disclosure web page.
All complaints and allegations will:
- be addressed in a fair, objective and unbiased manner in line with the timeframes of the Customer Service Charter and as set out in the Complaint Management Policy;
- for Employees, be dealt with in accordance with the Code of Conduct – Employee; and
- for Elected Members, be dealt with in accordance with the Act, and Regulations or where applicable, with Council's Nominated Members Code of Conduct.
Protection of Persons Reporting Unacceptable or Illegal Behaviour
The Chief Executive Officer is to ensure that Council Members and Employees who report unacceptable or illegal behaviour of Council Members or Employees (that is, whistleblowers) are not in any way disadvantaged or victimized because of their actions. The Chief Executive Officer’s action is limited to matters for which he/she has responsibility and/or jurisdiction to act.
More Information
Contact the City on 9273 6000 or email [email protected].
Code of Conduct for Council Members, Committee Members and Candidates
Behaviour Complaint Form
Register of Minor Breach Complaints
Fraud, Corruption & Code of Conduct Complaint Form - PDF
Fraud, Corruption & Code of Conduct Complaint Form - Online
Public Interest Disclosure