14 December 2021
Tuesday, December 14, 2021 - 06:00 PM>
The combined agenda will not be available this month.
Confirmed Minutes
Attachments for the Minutes
Council Briefing Notes - updated response to Item 5.1
Item 9.12 Replacement page 14
Item 11.10 Updated attachment
1 Declaration of Opening / Acknowledgement of Country
2 Apologies / Members on Leave of Absence
3(A) Public Question Time and Receiving of Public Statements
3(B) Response to Previous Public Questions Taken on Notice
4 Applications for Leave of Absence
5 The Receiving of Petitions, Deputations and Presentations
6 Confirmation of Minutes
7 Announcements by the Presiding Member (Without Discussion)
8 Declarations of Interest
8.1 David MacLennan, CEO, declared an impartiality interest in Item 9.16 Proposed Lease of Hyde Park Kiosk to Veggie Mama Pty Ltd, which refers the applicant engaging a contractor to dispose of rubbish and intend to facilitate a Container Deposit Scheme drop off bin with proceeds contributing to People Who Care, RUAH, and Derbarl Yerrigan Health Services. The CEO is married to an employee at Derbarl Yerrigan Health Services. The CEO has had no direct contact with Veggie Mama and no involvement in their proposal to facilitate a Container Deposit Scheme drop off bin with proceeds contributing to Derbarl Yerrigan Health Services.
8.2 Cr Alex Castle declared an impartiality interest in Item 9.11 Britannia North West Reserve Development Plan. The extent of her interest is as the President of the Floreat Athena Football
Club supported her during her election campaign. She also purchased a ticket to the Floreat Athena vs Adelaide United match and received an additional minor amount of hospitality, below the threshold for declaration.
8.3 Cr Ron Alexander declared a proximity interest in Item 9.16 Proposed Lease of Hyde Park Kiosk to Veggie Mama Pty Ltd. The extent of his interest is that he lives opposite Hyde Park. He is not seeking approval to participate in the debate, but requests Council to grant approval to participate in the vote.
8.4 David MacLennan, CEO, declared an impartiality interest in Item 9.11 Britannia North West Reserve Development Plan. The extent of his interest is that his niece is one of the girls referred by the Club President as playing in the Floreat Athena Club.
8.5 Mayor Cole declared an impartiality interest in Item 9.11 Britannia North West Reserve Development Plan. The extent of her interest is that her son is a junior player of the Club.
8.6 Cr Dan Loden declared an impartiality interest Item 9.11 Britannia North West Reserve Development Plan. The extent of his interest is that he plays indoor soccer with people who are members of the Floreat Athena Club and executive, and his daughter plays for the Club.
9 Strategy and Development
9.1 No. 305 (Lot: 4, D/P: 1602) Fitzgerald Street, West Perth - Change of Use from Warehouse to Recreation Private (Amendment to Approved) (Unauthorised Existing Development)
9.2 No. 26 (Lot: 29; D/P: 4576) Moir Street, Perth - Proposed Alterations and Additions to Single House
9.3 No. 52 (Lot: 10; D/P: 1069) Bourke Street, Leederville - Proposed Two Grouped Dwellings
9.4 No. 308 (Lot:700; S/P: 84556) Oxford Street, Leederville: Proposed Four Grouped Dwellings
9.5 Nos. 169-173 (Lot: 5 D/P: 42227 & Lot: 99 D/P: 3642) Scarborough Beach Road and Nos. 60-62 (Lot: 5 D/P: 42227 & Lot: 98 D/P: 3642) Coogee Street, Mount Hawthorn - Proposed Change of Use from Shop to Tavern and Associated Alterations and Additions
9.6 No. 374 (Lot: 801; D/P: 29435) Newcastle Street, Perth - Proposed Amendment to Approved Unlisted Use (Billboard Signage) S.31 Reconsideration
9.7 City of Vincent Rebound Plan - Quarterly Update
9.8 Arts Rebound: Town Centre Artworks - Concept Design Proposals
9.9 Commencement of Expressions of Interest process inviting redevelopment concepts for the Avenue and Frame Court Car Parks
9.10 Woodville Reserve Landscape Plan
Attachment 1 to Woodville Reserve Landscape Plan
9.11 Britannia North West Development Plan - Litis Stadium Changeroom Design
9.12 Amendment to Local Planning Policy No. 7.5.2 - Signs and Advertising
9.13 Local Planning Policy No. 7.5.15 - Character Areas and Heritage Areas: Outcomes of Advertising Guidelines for Cleaver Precinct
9.14 Results of Consultation - Potential Sale of 26 Brentham Street, Leederville
9.15 Complaints Management Framework - Code of Conduct for Elected Members, Committee Members and Candidates
9.16 Proposed Lease of Hyde Park Kiosk to Veggie Mama Pty Ltd
10 Infrastructure and Environment
10.1 Asset Management and Sustainability Strategy (AMSS) Implementation Plan
11 Community and Business Services
11.1 Support for Uluru Statement from the Heart - Response
11.2 Turf Wicket Agreement - North Perth Cricket Club
11.3 Outcome of advertising and adoption of amendments to Diversity, Access and Equity Policy
11.4 Authorisation of Expenditure for the Period 1 October 2021 to 31 October 2021
11.5 Repeal of Rates and Service Charges Policy
11.6 Investment Report as at 31 October 2021
11.7 Financial Statements as at 31 October 2021
11.8 Outcome of advertising and adoption of amendments to Community Funding Policy
11.9 Review of City of Vincent Project Management Framework and Monthly Update of Strategic Projects for 2021-2022
11.10 Draft Annual Report 2020/21 - Updated attachment
11.11 Beatty Park Project - Status Update and Change Request
12 Chief Executive Officer
12.1 Council recess period 2021-22 - Delegated Authority to the Chief Executive Officer
12.2 Nomination of Council Members for the vacant Local Government position on the Central Perth Land Redevelopment Committee
12.3 Report and Minutes of the Audit Committee Meeting held on 10 December 2021 (meeting was postponed) - will be uploaded before the Ordinary Council Meeting on 14 December 2021
12.4 Information Bulletin - Additional Attachment 12
13 Motions of Which Previous Notice Has Been Given
14 Questions by Members of Which Due Notice Has Been Given (Without Discussion)
15 Representation on Committees and Public Bodies
16 Urgent Business
17 Confidential Items/Matters For Which The Meeting May Be Closed
18 Closure
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