Working Groups

The primary function of our working groups is to identify issues and topics of importance along with providing culturally appropriate advice.

The City of Vincent has three working groups:

Boordiya (Bosses) Reference Group

The City of Vincent Elders Reference Group, the Vincent Boordiya, was formed in 2021 as one of the actions of the Reconciliation Action Plan 2019 – 2021. The Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan 2022 – 2024 reaffirms the City’s commitment to continuing to work with the Vincent Boordiya together with the Whadjuk Noongar community towards genuine reconciliation and truth-telling. We acknowledge their contribution to our City:

  • Uncle Ben Taylor
  • Uncle Albert McNamara
  • Aunty Irene McNamara
  • Aunty Muriel Bowie
  • Rose Walley
  • Cheryl Martin
  • Cyril Yarran
  • Rodney Cox

Reconciliation Action Plan Working Group (RAPWG)

The primary function of our RAPWG is to identify issues and topics of importance surrounding the development and implementation of the Reconciliation Action Plans as adopted by the City. The RAPWG comprises of up to seven Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community representatives along with three Council Members and up to three City officers.

Internal Reconciliation Action Plan Working Group (IRAPWG)

Our IRAPWG's purpose is to assist in the implementation of the RAP, with the aim to help the organisation achieve its commitment to greater reconciliation between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people. The group ensure RAP actions within each directorate are undertaken and completed.


Alongside our working groups, we have strengthened our relationships with local Aboriginal organisations including Noongar Radio, the Aboriginal Health Council of WA, Nyoongar Outreach Services as well as Aranmore Catholic College.

More information

For further information, contact the City of Vincent on (08) 9273 6000 or

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