Vincent to trial 40km/h speeds to make roads safer

Published on Sunday, 24 June 2018 at 1:26:46 PM

The City of Vincent is proposing a 40km/h speed zone trial in Vincent's southern suburban residential areas to study the impact of slower speed limits. We are hoping the trial will make neighbourhood streets safer and provide a better street environment for all users and the residents who live there.

The area of the proposed trial is from Newcastle to Vincent Street. Main distributor roads will not be included in the trial and will remain at their current speed.

The City has the support of the Road Safety Commission for the trial and is seeking financial support from Main Roads WA, but is currently progressing without State Government funding.

“Vincent residents regularly tell me that they are concerned about the speed of traffic on their neighbourhood streets. As an inner city community, we are dealing with rat running and increasing numbers of cars and trucks on residential roads. Our community is pushing for safer streets, where people can ride and walk safely, kids can play and neighbours can spend more time outdoors getting to know each other,” said Mayor Emma Cole.

“We know that lowered speed limits make streets safer for all road users, but they also contribute to more active and liveable neighbourhoods. A recent study by Monash University found lower speed limits encourage better interaction between drivers, pedestrians and cyclists and help create more attractive and connected communities.”

“The research also found that reduced speed limits have a better environmental impact with lower fuel consumption and less noise. At the same time, slower speeds only have a minor impact on average journey times,” said Mayor Cole.

A pocket of West Perth has had a 40km/h speed limit in its residential areas since the 1990s. The trial area will extend the 40km/h zone from Charles Street in the West through to the Swan River in the East between Newcastle and Vincent Streets. The Road Safety Commission supports the City of Vincent in its proposed trial of 40km/h urban speed limits.

“A 40km/h urban limit contributes to improved public amenity through quieter and safer streets,” said Acting Road Safety Commissioner Iain Cameron.

“In urban areas where people walk, ride, work, play and live, 40km/h speed limits reduce the chance of someone being hit by a vehicle and also help reduce the consequences of the crash if someone is hit by a vehicle.”

“People do make mistakes and 40km/h speed limits help create a safe and forgiving road system as part of our urban environment,” he said.

The City of Vincent will be consulting with residents within the trial area in early July.

“If our community is supportive, we hope to start the trial before the end of 2018 for a period of 24 months,” said Mayor Cole.

“The 40km/h speed zone trial is a great opportunity for us to research lower residential speed zones in our own Vincent neighbourhoods. But we hope this will help demonstrate the benefits to the broader metropolitan area.”

If you live in the area and would like to have your say, please look out for your consultation flyer in your letterbox in early July or keep an eye on the City’s community consultation site,

Useful Resources

40km/h Speed Zone Trial

40km/h Speed Zone Trial Survey

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